What kind of health do consumers need? Don’t be fooled

[Global Network Technology Reporter Zheng Xiangqi]I use the oven to make an exquisite breakfast in the morning, with avocado and chia seeds as standard; put on a fitness bracelet and sports earphones at noon to check in today’s Liu Genghong Aerobics; make an appointment for hot water in the evening, apply bath salts to wash away the fatigue of the day…

Nowadays, more and more people have a set of their own “health guidelines”, and they tend to “Spend a lot of money” on health products. The change in shopping carts reflects the trend of consumption upgrades, and also reflects the continuous improvement of people’s health awareness.

Taking the pulse of consumers, various manufacturers show off their “muscles” and launch a wide variety of health products. However, they bought it in high spirits, and put it in the corner to eat ashes after not using it a few times, which has become a problem for many consumers. The reason is that some products have low practicability, complicated usage processes, and limited usage scenarios.

This makes us think, does labeling health really make life healthy? In the end what kind of health, is what consumers really need?

Health technology “oncoming”, emergency or trend?

In recent years, the health industry has exploded rapidly. The reasons behind it are not only that the epidemic has brought a profound health education to the public, but also that consumers have begun to pursue the satisfaction of emotional value. For consumers, what they want to buy is not only a healthy function, a healthy product, but also a healthy life attitude and scene experience.

However, it is worth noting that the upgrade of people’s consumption demand not only brings new opportunities for the industry, but also puts forward new requirements. At present, some products use health as a “gimmick” to attract traffic, but the technical content behind them is difficult to support the selling point, let alone meet the actual needs of consumers, until they are labeled as “IQ tax”.

In recent years, many products have relied on the concept of “pseudo-health” to harvest crop after crop of “leeks”. For example, the formaldehyde removal magic box has been very popular, but professional institutions have found that if it is used in the room, the formaldehyde purification capacity of a single magic box is limited. Relevant experts said that the main ingredient of the magic box is chlorine dioxide, and it is inappropriate to use chlorine dioxide in a human environment.

In fact, followers only grasped the concept of “pan-health”. If you want to make achievements in the field of health, it is not to “relieve” the healthy life of consumers with the concept of health, but more importantly, whether the enterprise can have technological support, follow the consumption trend, and solve the unhealthy traditional life from the root. question.

Buy “health technology”, consumers should keep their eyes open

A large number of companies follow the trend, which will naturally make the health industry become Heavy fog. Most consumers are not industry experts, so they will face countless dilemmas in the fog, often buying “health products” at high prices, but not getting the health protection they want.

This requires consumers to distinguish rationally when purchasing products, return to life from the concept, and see how to achieve a healthy life through technology in daily life, food, housing, entertainment and other scenarios.

Take the refrigerator that has become standard in every household as an example. Some consumers regard the refrigerator as a “safe box” and think that everything will be fine if they put food in it. However, in fact, although the low temperature of the refrigerator can make some bacteria in the food dormant, for some psychrophilic bacteria, it seems to be a feast of carnival. Moreover, the respiration of fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator will consume their own stored organic matter, resulting in a decline in their nutritional quality and taste.

Therefore, consumers should pay attention to the functional performance of refrigerators in sterilization and preservation when purchasing. For example, the full-space fresh-keeping technology first launched by Haier Zhijia in 2015, whether it is fresh-keeping or freezing, can preserve the fresh nutrition of food to the greatest extent, and can also achieve sterilization, deodorization and mildew prevention. Fragrant truffles, delicious Aolong… Every ingredient you import will give you the freshness of its origin. Such technology is the health technology that consumers need.

Beginning of summer has passed, the weather is getting hotter day by day, and consumers’ enthusiasm for purchasing air conditioners is also “warming up”. But in fact, air conditioners are the most neglected sanitary corners. Many people are easily infected with respiratory diseases as soon as they turn on the air conditioners, which may be caused by dirty air. This requires everyone not to patronize the coolness when purchasing an air conditioner, but also to look for the sterilization function. Like the 3D sterilization cabin air conditioner in the industry, it not only allows the air conditioner to bathe itself, but also washes the air, and can enjoy the fresh air in the forest at home.

In addition to the just-needed refrigerators and air conditioners, freezers and clothes dryers have also ushered in a blowout growth. In fact, consumers’ demand for health has never been a single product in essence, but a comprehensive and healthy family scene. Only companies that upgrade healthy home appliances to home full-scenario solutions can make consumption after the big waves. selected multiple times.

In general, if you want to live a healthy lifestyle, the most important thing is to choose the right technology. Especially in the face of the upcoming 618 shopping festival, consumers should keep their eyes open and not be blinded by “pseudo-health”.