What is the use of cheap oryzanol? What will happen if you eat it with vitamin B? Tell you the answer

Most people may not know much about oryzanol, and some people have not even heard of it, but it is relatively familiar to people with three highs and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. It can help regulate blood lipids and relieve angina pectoris. The biggest effect is to improve neurological problems, and the price is relatively reasonable.

Some people who have taken oryzanol are aware of the benefits it brings, and they will also affirm its effects. For those who do not know much, they will also be curious and want to know the end What is the use. Some people will also hear some sayings. For example, some people have heard that oryzanol and vitamin B can be eaten together, which can bring some benefits to the body, and they will want to know what it can bring. Let’s take a closer look at oryzanol.

What is the use of oryzanol?

Improve anxiety disorders

Oryzanol has the effect of nourishing nerves, for some nerve-induced lesions, or nerve-induced anxiety If you are troubled by anxiety caused by this reason, you may try to eat oryzanol, which can help improve the situation and relax your body and mind.

People who suffer from anxiety disorder are always trapped by anxiety, unable to relax physically and mentally, and their nerves are also in a state of excitement and tension, which will disturb the sleep pattern and cause sleep problems. It is relatively common. It is insomnia, so people with insomnia related problems can also take oryzanol to improve.

Benefits blood circulation and assists in lowering blood lipids

The main function of oryzanol is to ensure myocardial blood supply. If the part wants to get sufficient blood supply, the heart muscle needs to be healthy. If there is a problem with the heart muscle and the problem of myocardial ischemia occurs, it will easily lead to ischemia and hypoxia in various parts of the human body, resulting in related problems.

Therefore, proper supplementation of oryzanol can ensure that the blood supply to the heart muscle is normal, and it can improve blood circulation, which is also good for heart health. benefit. Moreover, people with high blood viscosity have relatively high blood lipids, and can take oryzanol to reduce blood fat, which can help reduce blood lipids. Comparison of blood cholesterol and triglycerides High, it can also help reduce and achieve the effect of assisting blood lipid lowering.

Regulating the discomfort of menopause

The problem of menopause, in fact, both men and women, and women’s menopause symptoms will be relatively obvious. The level of estrogen will change, and after the continuous increase, the nerves will also be disturbed, and abnormal excitement will occur, which will also cause some discomfort in women.

The more common problems are insomnia, anxiety, hot flashes, urgency, and frequent urination. These problems will trouble women. Women who want to relieve symptoms can take Oryzanol, it may not take long before the problem can be adjusted.

After understanding the function of oryzanol, let’s see what the combination of oryzanol and vitamin B can bring to the body?

Oryzanol and vitamin B1

The effect of these two drugs on improving sleep and insomnia will be better, mainly oryzanol Both vitamin B1 and vitamin B1 have the effect of regulating autonomic nerves. In addition, it will also help to regulate bad emotions. Under the action of both, the effect of improving insomnia will naturally be relatively good.

Besides, the two medicines will also have a certain effect in improving some lesions caused by nerves. If there are corresponding problems, you can try to use them together. In fact, oryzanol and vitamin B complex together can not only improve the above problems, but also help the body supplement more nutrients. If you want better results, you can choose the most suitable solution according to your own situation.

Oryzanol plus vitamin B6

The combination of the two will reduce arteriosclerosis. There is a good effect. Oryzanol is a oxidant, which is of great benefit to enhancing the contraction ability of blood vessels. If the cholesterol is relatively high, you can try to take it together. It is very helpful for lowering cholesterol. The indicator of cholesterol Once controlled, the level of blood lipids will be regulated, thereby reducing the risk of hardening of the arteries.

Vitamin B6 can also help regulate the level of cholesterol, so that the viscosity of the blood will not increase again and again, the risk of hardening of the blood vessels will naturally decrease, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are not easy to find. home. Both are good for regulating cholesterol indicators, and combining them will only make the effect better.

oryzanol and vitamin B12

for more severe insomnia people, and anxiety or depression in >Severe stage, where using one or the other alone is no longer effective, a combination of the two may improve the situation. However, for health reasons, you should consult a doctor before using it. It is best to take it under the guidance of a doctor, and it is not easy to cause problems.

Oryzanol and vitamin B family have their own functions, and they will have certain effects on related issues. Whether they can be used together should also understand the contraindications, and should be used according to their own conditions, so as not to give If the body has a bad influence, it will not be worth the loss.


1. “The combination of 12 kinds of oryzanol is amazing”·Health World·2020.12.28

2. “Regulating Plants Oryzanol for nerves is used for neurosis. What should I pay attention to when taking it for a long time? 》·Science China·2021.5.29