What is the problem with frequent headaches? The doctor reminds: Do not carry these two kinds of headaches hard!

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Meng Qiang, Chief Physician of Department of Neurology, Yunnan First People’s Hospital

Forehead, top of head, back pillow, both sides It is the preferred area for headaches, and the most fundamental thing to relieve headaches is to find the cause.

Headaches have their corresponding parts

There are many reasons for headaches, and the corresponding parts are different.

1. Migraine – unilateral or bilateral migraines Pain, which feels like a “pulsing” or throbbing pain, may last for hours or days, depending on the individual. The attack is often accompanied by photophobia, nausea, vomiting and other uncomfortable symptoms.

2. Tension headache – occipital (back of the head)

Tension headache is more common than migraine, 30-45 years old Age is the highest. The pain areas are above the brow arches on both sides, the neck and the occiput (back of the head) on both sides, often manifested as a feeling of pressure, fullness, tightness, soreness, etc., and can also feel heavy on the head and shoulders. It has a certain relationship with poor rest, fatigue, and muscle tension in the head and neck. No nausea or vomiting.

3. Cluster headache—periorbital

Cluster headache is a kind of trigeminal autonomic headache, which is relatively rare. The pain location is mostly in the orbit, behind the eyeball and at the temple, which is explosive severe or extremely severe pain. In severe cases accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting.

4. Trigeminal neuralgia—maxillary or mandibular region

Common in the second branch of the trigeminal nerve, with severe pain concentrated in the maxillary or mandibular region Near the abdomen, there will be severe electric shock-like, knife-like, or sharp pains like needle sticks. Paroxysmal, recurrent. Many patients mistake it for a toothache.

5. Headache due to severe hypertension – whole head or temporal

Headache, dizziness may occur when the body’s blood pressure suddenly rises , nausea and other symptoms. The pain areas are mostly concentrated in the occipital region (back of the head) and temporal region (at the temple), and sometimes the head feels heavy and oppressive. Headache symptoms usually go away slowly after blood pressure stabilizes.

No matter what kind of headache, once a headache occurs for the first time and is accompanied by other discomfort or the nature of the previous headache has changed significantly, you should go to the neurology department of the hospital for diagnosis and treatment without delay.

These two types of headaches require immediate medical attention

When you experience these two types of headaches, you need immediate medical attention.

How to relieve headache?

1. Take medication

For mild headaches, those who have been diagnosed with migraine or tension headaches, take some over-the-counter Medications for relief, such as ibuprofen, gram sensitivity, etc. If the headache does not relieve after taking the medicine, you should go to the hospital for examination.

2. Rest + sleep

Appropriate rest, relaxation, and an optimistic attitude can help relieve headaches. Migraine sufferers can rest in a dimly lit, quiet room to relieve headaches.

3. Hot or cold compresses

People with tension headaches can sometimes massage and take a hot bath to relieve symptoms. Treatment of acute migraine attacks during pregnancy includes ice and/or heat.

4. If there is no improvement, seek medical attention in time

If you have a severe headache that cannot be relieved by many methods, you should immediately go to the hospital for further treatment. Inspection of.

In addition, maintaining a light diet, drinking less alcohol, developing a good lifestyle, strengthening exercise, and maintaining a good mood are all effective in controlling and relieving general headaches.

This article was first published on 2022-03-07 People’s Daily Health Number “The First People’s Hospital of Yunnan Province” “Don’t take these two kinds of headaches hard, it is very important to find the location of the headache”, the copyright belongs to the original author .

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Editor of this article: Ren Xuan Reviewing director: Yang Xiaoming