What is the effect of Chinese medicine treatment? After the patient experienced TCM treatment, he recommended that his daughter, son-in-law, grandson, and classmates all receive TCM treatment

Source: People’s Hospital Affiliated to Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

“I had a gastroscopy for the first time in 2018, and the diagnosis was superficial gastritis; The gastric mucosa is chronic atrophic inflammation and intestinal metaplasia. After I checked, chronic atrophic gastritis was defined as a precancerous lesion, and there was only one step left before gastric cancer. I rushed to the doctor, but the doctor told me, don’t be nervous, do Good daily care and regular review.” Recently, Professor Wang Shaoxia, a specially-appointed expert from Fujian Provincial People’s Hospital, treated a female patient in her 30s. She was emaciated, looked tired, and spoke anxiously.

▲Professor Wang Shaoxia performed acupoint catgut embedding therapy for the patient

Professor Wang Shaoxia said: “If you suffer from chronic atrophic gastritis, don’t panic, it is not We advocate early intervention and treatment, rather than waiting for it to evolve into a malignant tumor. We treat the disease with internal and external Chinese medicine methods such as oral administration of traditional Chinese medicine combined with acupoint catgut embedding, and have achieved ideal results.”

65-year-old Ms. Liu suffered from abdominal distension, abdominal pain, constipation, loss of appetite, weight loss, and anemia for many years, followed by insomnia, fatigue, and joint pain. A year ago, he was diagnosed with chronic atrophic gastritis by gastroscopy.

4 months ago, Professor Wang Shaoxia gave her acupoint catgut embedding treatment once, combined with TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment, and took Chinese medicine orally. After 20 days of follow-up, her gastrointestinal symptoms, insomnia, fatigue, etc. were significantly improved.

In mid-April 2022, outside Professor Wang Shaoxia’s clinic, Ms. Liu said: “I have done 4 times of acupoint catgut embedding therapy, combined with oral administration of traditional Chinese medicine. Very good. In particular, my appetite has improved, and I have gained 20 pounds in 4 months.”

Ms. Liu said, “In November last year, I accompanied my wife and children to the Fujian Provincial People’s Hospital. He was treated for radical prostate cancer. He suffered from incontinence after the operation. In order to reduce trouble, he tried to eat and drink as little as possible. After such a major operation, his nutrition could not keep up, and he felt tired after walking a few steps. For treatment, don’t go to Chinese medicine anymore. My wife insisted on seeking Chinese medicine for treatment. Unexpectedly, after Professor Wang’s treatment, he could defecate normally, and he could hold back his urine. People who haven’t experienced it can’t imagine that during his incontinence, not only did he feel uncomfortable and dignified, but the whole family was also exhausted. Professor Wang really saved our whole family, thank you very much.”

Ms. Liu said that this is not only a “destiny” with Professor Wang Shaoxia, but also a “bond” with traditional Chinese medicine. She is very happy and brought her daughter, son-in-law, grandson and classmates to Fujian Provincial People’s Hospital to receive traditional Chinese medicine treatment .

Atrophic gastritis is reversible

Atrophic gastritis refers to a chronic disease in which the gastric mucosal epithelium suffers repeated damage, resulting in the reduction of intrinsic gastric glands. Often manifested as upper abdominal pain, fullness, belching, loss of appetite or weight loss, anemia, etc., has been defined as precancerous lesions. Some patients with atrophic gastritis have transformed into gastric cancer. With the occurrence of pathological atrophy, intestinal metaplasia, and dysplasia, the risk of canceration gradually increases.

In the past, it was believed that after the formation of chronic atrophic gastritis, the atrophic glands at the lesion site could not be recovered, and the lesions could not be reversed, so it was believed that chronic atrophic gastritis could not be cured. However, the progress of clinical and experimental research believes that if chronic atrophic gastritis is detected early and actively treated in a timely manner, the atrophic glands at the lesion can be recovered, and it can be transformed into superficial gastritis or cured, changing people’s perception of the past. Recognition of irreversible chronic atrophic gastritis.

The application of traditional Chinese medicine orally and acupoint catgut in chronic atrophic gastritis

Acupoint catgut treatment is to use a special needle to insert a sterile absorbable thread of about 2cm in length. , Implanted into human acupoints, using the continuous stimulation of the thread to the acupoints, to achieve a method of prevention and treatment of diseases.

Acupoint catgut embedding therapy is suitable for the treatment of a variety of diseases, the more common indications are chronic atrophic gastritis, chronic colitis, gastric and intestinal ulcers, and radiotherapy and chemotherapy in patients with malignant tumors. effect.

Regular review of gastroscopy is very important

Atrophic gastritis is a hotbed for malignant transformation of “stomach disease”, and patients with atrophic gastritis will develop intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia, and cancer. Therefore, patients with atrophic gastritis need regular review gastroscopy. The general recommended re-examination frequency is:

1. For atrophic gastritis without intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia, endoscopy and pathological follow-up should be performed every 1-2 years;

2. Moderate to severe atrophy or with intestinal metaplasia, follow-up every 1 year;

3. Mild dysplasia, follow-up every 6 months;

4. Severe dysplasia Those who need immediate review of endoscopy and biopsy pathological examination, if necessary, surgical treatment or local treatment under endoscopy.

Patients with gastritis should have a balanced diet

Irregular diet is an important factor that causes stomach problems. The daily diet of patients with chronic gastritis should be:

1. Chew slowly to reduce the stimulation of rough food to gastric mucosa;

2. Eat a healthy diet, avoid overeating and irregular meals;

3. Pay attention to hygiene , to prevent the damage of external microorganisms to the gastric mucosa;

4. Light taste, eat less fatty, sweet, thick, greasy, spicy and other foods;

5. Quit smoking and drinking, less Drink strong tea, milk tea, coffee and other stimulating beverages.