What is the difference between taking a daily nap and never taking a nap for kids? Parents should be aware

Compared with adults, many children have more energy every day, running and jumping everywhere, lively and cute. However, after going to kindergarten, preschool teachers will deliberately cultivate the habit of taking naps in children, which makes some children uncomfortable. Tongtong often had a lunch break and couldn’t calm down. The teacher also talked to Tongtong’s mother, but she didn’t take it seriously.

In the teacher’s opinion, children can develop the habit of taking a lunch break at noon, which is good for both physical and intellectual development. But Tongtong’s mother said that the child is full of energy and doesn’t like taking naps. Who is doing the right thing?

What is the difference between a child who never naps and a child who naps every day?

Whether it is a kindergarten, or primary and secondary schools, there will be enough lunch break for children. Such an approach is not useless. Being able to insist on a regular nap has three important meanings for children. In contrast, the gap is not small.

Children who insist on napping every day,are more likely to grow taller . For children under the age of 6, the body is in the stage of rapid development, and the body will secrete growth hormone. And this hormone is only secreted during sleep, and being able to maintain enough lunch breaks is of great significance for promoting hormone secretion in children. Compared with children who never take a nap, children who insist on napping every day are also more susceptible to the influence of growth hormone and grow taller and stronger.

Secondly, insisting on napping is good for children’smental development also has important effects. After a morning of studying and playing, the child’s brain is actually quite tired. If you take a proper nap at this time, I believe that the brain can also get a certain rest.

Quicklyrefresh your child’s energy during naps, and relieve the fatigue caused by playing in the morning. The younger you are, the more sleep time you need and the more time you have to rest. Taking a nap every day can also improve brain development and improve children’s memory. ,concentrate.

The third gap is shown inimmunity aspect. For children with weak immune systems, if they refuse to take a nap, it is likely that the immune system in the human body will continue to operate, and it will become worse and worse, making it more likely to have low immunity and other problems. And a short nap can make the body rest, the immunity can also be significantly improved, the whole person will be more energetic and less likely to get sick.

If your children never take naps, they may be a little worse than those who insist on taking naps in these aspects. Cultivate the habit of taking naps in children, which is also better for improving health.

Try 2 ways to help kids build a nap habit

First , planning a daily schedule

Through a scientific daily schedule, you can regulate your child’s life and rest time. For example, for preschool children, it is necessary to meet 12-14 hours of sleep a day. All of them are placed at night, which is not necessarily good for health. Taking half an hour to an hour for a lunch break is more beneficial to the health of the child. There are benefits.

Don’t let your child go to bed too early at night and sleep late in the morning, you can also adjust your child’s sleep habits, which is very helpful for developing a regular sleep habit. also helps.

Secondly, it can give children psychological hints

< span>Teachers and parents can use picture books and verbal cues to tell children what to do and what not to do during lunch break. Gradually help your child get used to naps. For example, first take the child to lie quietly on the bed in the kindergarten to create a good sleeping environment.

Then guide the child to close his eyes, breathe quietly, and slowly fall asleep. Encouragement or some small rewards should be given in time after the lunch break is completed. I believe it will also help children develop the habit of lunch break.

For children, a lunch break is not just sleep, but also a process of body self-adjustment and repair. Being able to adhere to a regular lunch break habit during this process is also beneficial to the health of the child.great help. There will also be a gap between children who never take a nap and those who insist on taking a nap. Parents should also know a thing or two in advance.

Extended reading: For adults, naps are just as important

Some people think Adults who are full of energy do not need to take a nap. In fact, it is not the case. The heavy workload and heavy learning content will also bring a burden to people’s brains. Taking 20 to 30 minutes at noon every day can also help people adjust their state, restore energy, and improve memory.

But it should be noted that the nap time should not be too long. If you lack sleep the day before, you can use about 40 minutes to make up for it. But it should not be more than 1 hour, so as not to enter a deep sleep, it is more difficult to wake up, and it may also bring a certain burden to the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular.

A regular and scientific nap habit is very beneficial for both children and adults. If your children also If you can insist on a regular nap, I believe your body can also reap a lot of benefits. Children who do not like to take a nap can also adjust their work and rest habits in time, and their health may benefit from it.


1. Children who nap every day and who never nap ,what’s the difference? The difference is not an ordinary big·Guangming.com·2019-08-16

2. Parents pay attention! 5-year-old boy dies suddenly during nap in kindergarten! This disease has an acute onset and a high mortality rate·National Party Media Information Public Platform·2022-04-02

3. How long is the best time to take a nap? More than 1 hour is harmful·Health Times·2020-09-05

4. Children who take a nap have better grades! Take a nap in summer vacation·Health Times·2019-06-17