What is the “accelerator” of men’s aging? Smoking ranks 4th, and many uncles are “unspeakable” in the first place

There is a saying: Men are forty-one flowers, and women are forty tofu.

When it comes to aging, many people think that only women are afraid of aging, and men don’t seem to care about this issue. Pay attention, but in fact men are also afraid of aging, but men and women have different physiological structures, they don’t have to worry about menopause, so they don’t worry too much about fertility.

Women over thirty, sounds old, too, A thirty-year-old man is just as old if he doesn’t take care of himself.


What is an “accelerator” for men’s aging? Smoking ranked No. 4, No. 1 Many uncles are “unspeakable”

No. Five: Blindly taking health care products

Nowadays, most people pay more attention to health care, and a variety of Health care methods have come into our field of vision, and some people will choose to take health care products for health care.

As the saying goes, medicine is poisonous, Regular consumption of health supplements will also have an impact on the body, and some health supplements are not so good, and there may be some harmful ingredients, which will increase the burden on the body and affect the detoxification effect of the liver.

There may be some chemical ingredients in health products. If you eat them regularly, it will increase the digestive burden on the stomach.< /span>The metabolic detoxification function of the liver and kidneys is affected, the content of heavy metals in the body will increase, and for men, it will accelerate aging and cause Physical discomfort.

4th place: drinking and smoking

< p data-track="11">It is well known that smoking and drinking are harmful to health. Harmful substances such as nicotine tar in cigarettes can cause lung damage and even increase the risk of lung cancer.

Ethanol in alcohol can also cause great damage to human health and even increase the risk of liver cancer. Risks can also lead to worsening physical fitness.

Smoke and alcohol can accelerate aging , and even make men’s physical fitness much worse than before. If you want to slow down aging, quit smoking and drinking.

Third place: staying up late

< p data-track="15">For most male friends, they are the backbone of the family. Facing the pressure of various mortgage and car loans, many men and friends will stay up late to work in the company, and it is inevitable to work At one or two o’clock, we don’t know that the bad habit of staying up late will cause us to accelerate aging.

And some men stay up late in order to play more games at night, and fall asleep unconsciously In the second half of the night, staying up late for a long time has brought a great burden to our body.

And staying up late also affects the endocrine system in our body< span>, if endocrine disorders are followed, it will not only affect our work on the second day, but also accelerate our aging.

Second place: high-fat diet

In terms of diet, if it is high-fat food A lot more, the body gain weight and lead to obesity. At the same age, people stand with normal weight people, that is, the fat people are older, so we have to reduce the high-fat diet.

Long-term high-fat diet,not only increases your blood lipids, blood sugar , blood pressure, weight, etc., will also lead to the gradual decline of the digestive system, and eventually lead to the gradual aging of people.

1st place: often inactive

Due to the nature of work, most people’s work is to sit in front of the computer all day, and they are reluctant to move when they get home from work. After eating, they lie down and play with their mobile phones. Being “nagged” by his wife, and it’s hard to tell.

However, long-term lack of exercise will affect the physical and mental metabolism. It can also increase the body’s risk of chronic disease, and often inactivity may cause certain organs in the body to lose their normal function, and It will lead to premature aging such as cardiovascular, which is also one of the important factors of premature aging in men.

So after work Don’t just lie down and play with your phone, stick to aerobic exercise or do housework for more than 30 minutes, you will feel more energetic.


Male friends do 3 things, it’s easy to be ten years younger

〓 Multi-sport

Exercise is the only way to keep the “treasure of the sword young” As a rule, it can keep men away from beer belly and stay young. On the premise of maintaining a regular diet and work and rest, you should also make time for exercise every day. walking, playing ball, swimming, cyclingand other items are all Can.

〓 Laugh more

Exercise and “massage” digestive organs such as the liver, promote liver and gallbladder peristalsis, increase bile secretion, and help enhance men’s liver function.

〓 Adjusting your diet

Actively change the diet, eat less food with strong taste, such as fried, barbecue, smoked, cold food, etc., too oily, salty and other foods , It is best to eat less, can reduce obesity, high blood fat, high blood pressure and other diseases.

Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, < span>Supplement with more vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, etc., which is conducive to defecation, so that it will be healthier.

Drink more water, preferably at least 1500ml per day Water, when drinking water, remember to take small sips, drink frequently, and drink slowly, which is good for the body to absorb and expel toxins from the body.

In fact, just like women, men are also very concerned about whether they look young and do not want aging to come earlier. Therefore, in order to look younger than their peers, male friends have to put in some effort, not only the appearance is more attractive, but the body will also thank you!