What is Fate Gate Fire Decay?

Mingmen fire failure is a disease name in traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine believes that the gate of life is the kidney, the kidney yang is the fire of the gate of life, and the yin of the kidney is the water of the gate of life.


Mainly include soreness and pain in the waist and knees, fear of cold, cold limbs, dizziness, Depressed spirit, dark complexion, pale and fat tongue, weak pulse, impotence and premature ejaculation, uterine cold infertility, prolonged diarrhea, lower extremity edema, etc.

Diseases are more common in consumptive diseases, impotence, infertility, infertility, and chronic nephritis, renal failure and other diseases in modern medicine.

The main reason for emphasizing the decline of the fire of the gate of life is to pay attention to the yang qi in the kidney. Chinese medicine believes that yang qi has a warming effect, so when the fire in the door of life is weakened, cold symptoms such as fear of cold and numbness of limbs will appear. The kidneys govern water, and the five colors are black, so the complexion is dark and dark when the fire of the gate of life fails.

【Drug treatment】

For men, the signs of impotence and rare semen.

For women, the failure of the gate of life is manifested as infertility due to cold in the palace.

Traditional Chinese medicine or Chinese herbal decoction can be used.

In the treatment, you can take the proprietary Chinese medicine Yougui Pill, and in the prescription, you can choose Sishen Pill, Zhenwu Decoction, etc. for conditioning treatment.

Specifically, Yougui Pill and Jinkui Shenqi Pill are commonly used.

For infertility, the more commonly used Chinese medicines are Zanyudan and Aifu Nuangong Pills.

However, it is best to find a Chinese medicine practitioner for comprehensive conditioning through pulse diagnosis, pay attention to cleanliness on weekdays, and keep warm.

[Diet attention]

In the diet, eat more mutton, loach, leeks, small walnuts, longan etc. Foods for tonifying kidney yang; do not eat cold, greasy, fried and other irritating foods, and pay attention to rest at the same time.