What is an “epididymal cyst”? What harm does it bring to men? Avoid these 4 reasons

Boy’s balls

is notoriously fragile

accidental collision when kicking the ball

Or inadvertently squeezing

is enough to make them “killed”

But it’s more painful than this acute egg

Occasionally “painful”

is more tormenting

Egg (testis) and epididymis

respectively Important organ for sperm production

A ball if suddenly enlarged

with swelling and pain

In addition to the problem of the egg itself

mostly related to epididymal disease

Among them

the most directly related isepididymal cyst

A good epididymis, how can cysts occur?

Reason 1: No ejaculation

some boys in love period

In order to have a more lasting experience

will choose to pull the emergency pull when fast launching


It doesn’t matter this time twice

< p>But long-term suppression of ejaculation

may cause semen to accumulate and form cysts

In addition

holding back ejaculate will damage the reproductive glands

< span>Cause semen “retrograde” phenomenon

Induce prostatitis and even cause infertility

Cause 2: Chronic infection

chronic infection of the testis or epididymis

such as urinary tract infection, urinary blockage, etc.< /span>

It is easy to cause local inflammation of epididymal tubules

make local adhesion

causing blockage and swelling of the pipe

Cause 3: External Trauma

When the epididymis is scarred by injury

May also block epididymal tubules

increase risk

In addition to the above 3 common incentives

Congenital malformation of epididymal duct development and vas deferens obstruction

also common pathogenic factors

Guidelines for the management and prevention of epididymal cysts

If epididymal cysts are suspected

You can check yourself in the following ways:

1. Stand in front of the mirror

Observe whether the appearance is swollen< /span>

2. Check both testicles with both hands

index and middle fingers down, thumb up

Touch lightly

Self-examination found lump span>

Don’t worry too much

mostly benign epididymal cysts

< span>Without other symptoms

No treatment is usually needed

but if Growing mass

with pain or feeling of heaviness

you must seek medical attention in time

in Clinically

doctors will pass physical examination,

transmitted light examination, B-ultrasound, etc.

Further diagnosis of epididymal cyst

after diagnosis

Patients with epididymal cysts with pain

may be treated firstdrug therapy

Take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain

such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, etc.< /span>

medication ineffective

Only consider epididymal cystectomy

But surgery may affect fertility

and there is a risk of recurrence

so be careful

Daily life< /span>

If you can do the following

the chance of developing the disease will also be greatly reduced

Egg is no small matter

Everyone needs to be careful< /p>

Finally, I wish every friend who likes it

have a healthy body!


[1] Qi Guangchong Practical Chinese Medicine Andrology [M]. Shanghai:. Shanghai Science and Technology Press. 2018.3.

[2] Hong Fei. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of modern urology [M]. Nanjing: Southeast University Press. 2005.7.

[3] Chen Fubao’s manual for families with common diseases of urogenital system [M] ]Ningxia Yellow River Publishing Media Group Sunshine Publishing House.2010.2.