What is adenoid hypertrophy? Stuffed nose, snoring, will it make you ugly? The pathogenesis of adenoid hypertrophy revealed

“Shen Dujun, what are adenoids? What is the relationship between adenoid hypertrophy and baby snoring?”

What are adenoids? What’s the matter with adenoid hypertrophy?

If you want to understand adenoid hypertrophy, Shen Du Jun will take you on an air bus and take a walk around the adenoids! Absolutely hardcore, let’s go!

air passes throughnasal cavity, pharynx, larynx , trachea, bronchi, and eventually enterlung for gas exchange.

The story of the adenoids happens in the nasal cavityand pharynxthis paragraph.

Air enters the body through the nostrils, and the nose hairs in the nasal cavity can Filter the air to reduce dustand other harmful substances entering the human body.

The surface of the nasal cavity is covered with a layer ofthe nasal mucosa. The nasal mucosa is constantly secreting mucus, which can increase the air’s humidity . The nasal cavity also increases the temperature of the cold air.

Through the nosefiltered, warmed, humidifiedtreated air for human use more comfortable.

pharynxlocated at < /span>Oral cavity, nasal cavityafter, trachea air above cavity.

Air entering from the nose or mouth must pass through the pharynx to enter the trachea.

Adenoids grow in the nasal cavityand pharynxIn the middle corner, this arched position.

What exactly are adenoids?

Adenoidsalso known as pharyngeal tonsils< /span>, is a lymphoid tissue. To put it simply, adenoids are like a big white army camp stationed in the nasopharynx.

AdenoidsLike a peeled orange, uneven and covered Slime.

PathogensAs the air gets here, it gets “sticked” to the adenoids and loses access The possibility of trachea, and finally excreted with snot, boogerwhatever.

Whenpathogeninvasion causednasal When the pharynx is inflamed, the adenoids will enlarge, and the big whites in the adenoids will be excited, desperately strangling the invaders.

After the inflammation subsided, the enlarged adenoids returned to normal, and the whites calmed down.

Insert a knowledge point:< /p>

Adenoidsusually begin to develop at 6 months of age, adolescenceStarts to shrink, degenerate, and finally disappear.

Adenoids are like makeshift military camps, infancy, childhood, When the immune system is weak, the adenoids help deal with invaders. Adolescence, immune system mature, glands The sample also successfully retired.

To sum up, Shen Jian feels that adenoids are definitely a moral model.

The intruder does not come, the adenoid does not brush its presence;Invaders attack, the adenoids come online at any time.

The immune system is weak, the adenoids do not shrink; immune The system matures, and the adenoids wave their sleeves without taking a cloud.

In short, a good adenoid will never have a sense of existence.

What about adenoid hypertrophy?

Whether you have intruders,adenoidsalways In brushing the sense of existence, “Anyway, I want to increase, and it is the kind that does not shrink!”.

enlarged adenoids‘s body blocks the passage of gas, and trouble can come.

Why babies snore< /p>

gascan’t pass through the airway at all, and even if it can pass, it’s not smooth, Here comes the stuffy nose.

If the ventilation of the nasal cavity is not strong, people will breathe through the mouth.

While sleeping, pharyngeal musclesrelax and are more likely to appear Stenosis of the airwayA condition in which air passes through the narrowed airway, causing vibrations, snoring is here. In severe cases, it can cause temporarysleep apnea.

Origin of baby’s “adenoid face”< /strong>

Hypertrophic adenoids, causingnasal congestion strong>, mouth breathing has become the norm.

The nose has not been used for a long time and has become a decoration, resulting in stunted nose development.

Open mouth for a long time, mandible will gradually sink and retreat.

Continuous impact of airflowpalate, stimulatingThe upper jaw grows upward, resulting in anterior protrusion of the upper teeth.

In the long run,oralhigher,Nasal cavitysmaller,lower jawsinking, and slowly forming a “ span>Adenoid Face”.

“deep reading Jun, how did the good adenoids increase? What are the prevention tips? ”

Want to know the pathogenesis and predisposing factors of adenoid hypertrophy?

The answer is in “Deep Reading Video” “, in the next episode, Shen Du Jun will show you the whole process of adenoid hypertrophy!

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