What if the sheep are not in heat? What are the ways to keep sheep out of heat? Four treatment options for sheep not in heat

The reasons why sheep are not in heat can be attributed to these main reasons: ① lack of induction, ② lack of nutrition, ③ disease trouble, ④ poor environmental conditions. From these 4 points, I will share with you some corresponding treatment methods.

1. Lack of induction

The sexual maturity of rams is 5 to 7 months old, and ewes are The sexual maturity of sheep is 6 to 8 months old, but the body of the sheep is not fully developed at this time. Usually, when the sheep is 1.5 to 2 years old, various physical functions have fully developed and mature, and they can be bred. If the sheep are in good health and the feeding environment is in place, and the sheep cannot be in heat normally, usually due to the lack of effective stimulation, you can use: Prosperity Taibao, take one packet (100 grams) every morning, it will take effect in 3 days, 5 days The effect is obvious, the effect is obvious in 7 days, the estrus is obvious, and the ovulation is more. At the same time, empty pregnancy, breeding failure, repeated infertility, miscarriage, etc. will also be greatly reduced.

2. Lack of nutrition

The reproductive system development of sheep requires a variety of and sufficient nutrients Among them, the high-quality protein in the feed plays a key role in the quality of the sperm of rams and the eggs of ewes. In addition, various essential vitamins, amino acids, organic minerals and other trace elements are important guarantees for the secretion of sex hormones by sheep. If the intake of these trace elements is insufficient, the sheep will have endocrine disorders and insufficient secretion of sex hormones, resulting in the sheep being unable to estrus normally. It is recommended that farmers feed the sheep some green and juicy high-quality leguminous forage (high-quality protein content), and at the same time use as a mixture: Multivitamin, each 500g can be mixed with 1000 catties of material, and each 500g can be mixed with 2500 catties-5000 of water. It can supplement 14 kinds of vitamins and 18 kinds of amino acids, and also specially add a variety of organic minerals, immune enhancers, compound enzymes and probiotics to fully meet the nutrition required by the body of sheep.

3. Disease troubles

Improper postpartum care of ewes, resulting in persistent afterbirth and unclean lochia, further Causes inflammation of the reproductive system such as endometritis, which will make the ewes difficult to estrus and conceive. For this, it can be used: Qingpai Taibao, 50ml/head/time, diluted with 200ml of normal saline, perfused with uterus, and used for 2-3 days. After that, you can give the ewes: postpartum Taibao injection, eliminate the inflammation of the reproductive system, promote the recovery of the reproductive system, and promote the ewes to come into heat and conceive again. In addition, farmers are reminded that some infectious diseases, such as brucellosis in sheep, can cause irreversible damage to the reproductive system of sheep. It is recommended that farmers eliminate such rams and ewes in time and select new backup sheep.

4. Poor environmental conditions

In spring and autumn, with sufficient daily light hours, up to 10 to 12 hours, so there are more estrus in spring and autumn. When the temperature in summer is higher than 32 ℃, the embryo of sheep is difficult to survive, and the estrus is less. When the temperature in winter is lower than minus 15 ℃, the sheep begin to lose fat, and in severe cases, they will be malnourished, causing difficulty in estrus. Therefore, putting more sheep out to bask in the sun and controlling the temperature of the sheep pen are important guarantees to ensure that the sheep can estrus normally.

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