What happens when you fall and break a bone? After the age of 50, 3 kinds of nutrients should be supplemented to strengthen muscles and bones

Cancer or fracture, which is more dangerous?

If you choose cancer, you may be wrong!

Hip fractures are worse than cancer for older adults!

According to the latest data from the National Cancer Center, a total of 2,413,500 people died of cancer in China in 2016. Cancer is often widely reported because of the high incidence and death toll. Few people know about hip fractures for concern, but more dangerous than it.

1. A neglected hip fracture is more dangerous than cancer

< span>According to data published by China Labor and Social Security News, the mortality rate of elderly people with hip fractures within one year exceeds 20%, the highest up to 50%. In my country, the one-year survival rates of esophageal cancer and breast cancer are 54% and 90.5%, respectively, and the five-year survival rate of breast cancer is 73%.

Hip fractures are clinically known as “the last fracture in one’s life”.The United States has A study was conducted on women with hip fractures, and it was found that half a year after the fracture occurred, about half of the patients were unable to dress themselves, more than 90% were unable to walk half a kilometer independently, climb stairs independently, and about 17% of the patients died.

Why do elderly hip fractures have such a high mortality rate?

Researchers analyzed that it is closely related to the difficulty of turning over, sitting up and lying in bed for a long time after fracture, and it is easy to induce patients to appear after fracture.

span>Respiratory system, urinary system infection, deep vein thrombosis, pressure ulcers and other complications, these complications will bring great threat to the patient’s life. The disability rate and fatality rate brought by the elderly after fracture will also bring great economic pressure and nursing pressure to the family.

Among the people with hip fractures, the elderly are the most common. Why are the elderly so “favored” by fractures, and they are almost always fractured when they fall, why? Follow Xiao Ai to understand this problem.

Second, why are elderly people prone to fractures when they fall?

Li Ning, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Traumatology, Beijing Jishuitan Hospital said that with the increase of age, the human body’s musculoskeletal system will gradually change . The muscle strength and bone strength of the elderly will decrease.These factors make the elderly easy to fall in daily life. There is a high risk of fractures. For the elderly, the most prone to fractures are the hip, wrist, thoracic and lumbar spine, and shoulder, among which hip fractures are the most threatening to the elderly.

Fractures will pose a great threat to the health of the elderly. Supplementing more of these nutrients can help prevent fractures to a certain extent.

Third, to prevent fractures, these nutrients should be supplemented in old age

1. Calcium supplements

The content of calcium in human bones is very rich, and it is one of the essential elements for the formation of bones. As the elderly age, the body’s ability to absorb calcium will decline, resulting in insufficient calcium intake to maintain normal needs. Therefore, you should pay attention to calcium supplementation in your daily life. Foods rich in calcium include milk, soy products, small shrimp, and green leafy vegetables.

“Chinese Residents’ Dietary Nutrient Reference Intakes”recommends that the daily calcium intake for people aged 50 and above is recommended. The dosage is 1000~1200mg. In the case that it cannot be relieved after taking supplements, you can also take calcium tablets and calcium preparations appropriately under the guidance of a doctor to supplement calcium.

2. Vitamin D supplementation

Bone growth requires the participation of a variety of vitamins, among which Vitamin D has the greatest impact. Supplementing enough vitamin D can promote the body’s absorption of calcium and help prevent a variety of bone diseases. There are many foods in life that are rich in vitamin D, including marine fish, egg yolks, milk, liver, mushrooms, white fungus, fungus and other fungi.

“Chinese Residents’ Dietary Nutrient Reference Intakes”Recommended doses of vitamin D for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis It can be 800-1200 IU/d.

3. Protein supplement

Sufficient protein intake is important for maintaining health, but more protein is not always better. “Chinese Residents’ Dietary Nutrient Reference Intakes”recommends that the optimal daily protein for the elderly is 1~1.5 per KG body weightg. Under normal circumstances, it is recommended that the average daily protein content of the elderly should be maintained at 60~70g. Milk, eggs, fish, and chicken are rich in protein, and the elderly can eat more.

British Medical JournalA study published in Sufficient intake of dairy products should be added. Compared with the elderly whose body’s total calcium and protein intake reached 1142mg and 69g, compared with the elderly who did not supplement, the total daily calcium and protein intake of the elderly was 700mg and 58g, < strong>There was an 11% reduction in the risk of falling, a 33% reduction in overall fracture risk and a 46% reduction in hip fracture risk.

All in all, calcium, vitamin D and protein are important nutrients for preventing osteoporosis in middle-aged and elderly people, especially calcium, which is a lot in daily life. Diet will accelerate the loss of calcium, leading to an increased risk of fractures in the elderly.

Fourth, key reminder: stay away from these “stealing calcium” foods

1. High-salt foods

< span>High-salt foods also contain high levels of sodium. After ingesting high-sodium foods, the body needs to excrete excess sodium from the body. When the sodium element is excreted, part of the calcium in the body will also be taken out. If things go on like this, it will easily lead to a large loss of calcium.

2. High-fat foods

part of high-fat foods will form after entering the body Fatty acids, which combine with calcium to form insoluble substances. A diet high in fat over a long period of time can lead to impaired calcium absorption.

3. Vegetables with more oxalic acid

Oxalic acid will combine with calcium after entering the body to form oxalic acid. This substance is difficult to be absorbed and utilized by the body, and will be excreted with urine and feces, and it may also reduce the absorption and utilization of calcium in food.

For the elderly, daily prevention of fractures is a very important part of ensuring health, and the diet must be supplemented with several nutrients mentioned above. , while avoiding some unhealthy foods.


[1] “BMJ: Two bags of milk a day reduce the risk of fractures by 30% for the elderly! The results of a clinical study of 7,000 people show that supplementing additional dairy products in the elderly increases calcium and protein intake and reduces the risk of fractures by 33%. 6 good ways to prevent osteoporosis take a quick look”. Guangming.com. 2020.9.6

[3] “The Last Fracture in Life” – Hip Fracture in the Elderly. Xi’an Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2020.11 .11

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