What happens to the body of a person who drinks some liquor for a long time at dinner? The doctor tells you the answer

As the saying goes: If you want to make friends, drink often. Drinking has an inner connection with society. Drinking provides a good opportunity to make friends.

Nowadays, the most common thing people do socially these days is drinking, whether it’s asking for help , when friends get together or on important festivals, when you go out to party, you will drink some wine to add to the fun.

Wine seems to have become an indispensable partner in people’s lives today, and drinking a drink has also become a friendship Lubricant and party add-on.

For many people, even if there are no outsiders, there are many people at home who drink a little wine when they eat, so long-term What will be the effect on the body if you eat dinner together with people who often drink liquor?

What happens to people who drink a little alcohol for a long time at dinner?

The idea that drinking a small amount of alcohol is good for health has been widely circulated among the people, and it has become a reason for many people to continue drinking. In fact, no matter how much you drink, it is not good for your body, and long-term drinking will definitely damage your health. However, drinking a small amount of alcohol for a long time is equivalent to “chronic suicide”, and the harm of a small amount of drinking to the body will appear in the days to come.

First: Impaired liver function

The liver is the key organ in the human body to detoxify the body. If the liver function is damaged, the body’s metabolic rate will decrease with it, and the endotoxin cannot be very good. discharge, which in turn leads to the arrival of various diseases.

Alcohol stimulates liver function after entering the human body, and many alcohol addiction will lead to liver sclerosis In severe cases, it will also lead to the mutagenesis of tumor cells. 50% of patients with early liver cancer are all caused by long-term drinking.

Second: causing gastric mucosal damage

Long-term drinking is the most harmful to the stomach, and most people who drink for a long time have a bad stomach.

The reason is that the entry of alcohol into the stomach will stimulate gastric movement, squeeze blood vessels and cause local ischemia, making the gastric mucosa. The blood supply is reduced, which affects the normal metabolism and function of the gastric mucosa, resulting in damage to the gastric mucosa. Long-term drinking can also easily cause gastritis, gastric ulcers, and even gastric bleeding and gastric cancer.

Third: Nervous Center Effects

Alcohol is a small molecule substance that can easily reach various organs in the body. When ethanol enters the body, it quickly enters our brain.

can also cause relatively large damage to the nervous system, manifested as muscle incoordination, unresponsiveness, euphoria effect, attention, judgment, self-control, memory loss, mental decline.

Fourth: Damage the Brain

Alcohol not only affects the liver organ, but also causes varying degrees of damage to the brain. If you drink a lot of alcohol the night before, you will feel dizzy when you wake up the next day, and your whole person will be uninspired. This is mainly because alcohol causes damage to the brain, resulting in abnormal brain function.

What range should the amount of liquor drink be controlled?

In terms of alcohol consumption, “China The Dietary Guidelines for Residents recommends that men should consume no more than 25 grams of alcohol per day, and female friends should not consume more than 15 grams of alcohol per day.

According to this amount, taking 50-degree liquor as an example, it is not recommended for men to consume more than 50 grams per day, that is, one or two, and it is not recommended for female friends to exceed 30 grams. grams, according to this formula, please calculate according to the alcohol content of liquor.

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If you really can’t quit love Drinking habits, these points need to be paid attention to when drinking

1. Do not drink high concentrations of alcohol< /strong>

Low concentrations of alcohol can reduce intoxication symptoms and cause less harm.

2. Don’t drink on an empty stomach

Eat something to press the stomach before drinking, reduce the damage to the stomach, and also delay the secretion of gastric acid and reduce the state of drunkenness.

< p data-track="26">3. Do not take drugs before drinking alcohol

Do not take medicines, especially those for colds, within two hours before drinking alcohol, otherwise alcohol and medicines will It will produce a reaction that hurts the stomach and heart, and affects people’s health.

In fact, the best recommendation for men to drink alcohol is to keep it at about 40 degrees. This degree of alcohol will bring a burden to the body. It is relatively small, and the threat to health will naturally become smaller. You must drink in moderation. Don’t drink too much for a long time. It will be difficult to remedy it after it poses a threat to your health.