What happens to a loved one’s body before they die? When these situations arise, spend more time with them.

Do you know the hospital’s hospice department? The patients here are all people closest to the god of death. The blogger@a lemon who can tell a story once told the story of what happened inside.

01. The child has been gone for three days and has not come back

suffering from malignant The tumor Jingjing is a 12-year-old girl. The cancer cells in her body have spread and the disease cannot be cured. Her mother transferred Jingjing to the hospice department.

Quietly and well-behaved, loves to read books, and says he can’t leave his studies behind. But the cancer pain made her tortured all the time, and the nurses could do nothing but give her painkillers. After being transferred to the hospice department, Jingjing was killed only 14 days later.

“Mom, please give birth to little brothers and sisters for me again. I’m afraid I will be lonely when I get better.” This is what Jing Jing said to her mother with a smile before her death . Turning around, her mother could only hide in the water room, crying so hard, “She’s not afraid of being alone, she’s afraid of being alone.”

After walking quietly for three days, the medical staff in the hospital The staff didn’t come back.

02.”I want to go out and play” strong>

The topic of death is always heavy. An 11-year-old Anzai is a patient with osteosarcoma. The risk of bone cancer is actually not large, but there are always unfortunate people who are one of them.

An Zi’s left hand was amputated for treatment. He became reluctant to go out and fell in love with playing games. Because he said that the protagonist in the game has a lot of lives, and if he dies, he can come back again.

The cancer cells continue to metastasize, and each recurrence is endless torture for Anzi. He was scared, he wanted to leave the hospital, he was eager to go out and play. What if he said he couldn’t take it anymore? In the end the miracle did not happen.

Fear of death can be said to be a natural human instinct. Before death, what will happen to the body? What?

I. What is the process of dying?

The end-of-life period is generally 10-14 days (occasionally as short as 24 hours), and a series of changes occur in the body.

At the end of life, patients are often dehydrated and difficulty swallowing, Difficulty eating and drinking.

The amount of blood circulating in the body drops sharply in a short period of time, and many people will experience cold body strong> phenomenon. At this time, if the patient is covered with a quilt, the weight of the quilt may make the patient uncomfortable.

Because of respiratory failure, the patient gradually difficulty breathing. Also lost the ability to use oxygen.

Many family members use gastric tubes to feed water and food when patients cannot eat. But generally speaking, people who are dying do not feel hungry. In addition, feeding can cause the patient to vomit, let the food go into the airway, and increase the suffering of the patient.

In the final stages of life, the patient may appear “apathetic” and unwilling to communicate with people strong>, which is also a common performance.

As death draws nearer, the patient’s oral muscles gradually relax and there is a gurgling sound when breathing due to accumulation in the throat or lungs Some patients may also makewheezing or larynx sounds when the secretions are removed, and the last sense to be lost is hearing.

Understanding the performance of the body before death may be able to provide patients with end-of-life care in a more scientific and appropriate way and help them leave “gracefully”.

Second, what happened before the deathbed?

Many people, when faced with the death of their loved ones, will encounter the phenomenon that the patient suddenly “returns to the light”. What is going on?

Returning light and returning to light refers to the sudden improvement of the patient’s original condition. For example, a person who does not eat or drink suddenly has a good appetite, and a person who was listless suddenly becomes energetic. Very good and so on. It gives people the illusion of a patient’s “recovery”, but in fact this is mostly a precursor to running out of fuel.

The reason why this phenomenon occurs, according to medical research, has a certain relationship with the secretion of adrenaline.

When a person is about to die, all body functions, including cardiopulmonary function, will gradually weaken , at this point, the body will appearThe “stress” responsesends a signal to the brain for “help”, the brain will do everything it can, in addition to arranging the secretion of the adrenal gland, it will also let the cells help ( Adenosine triphosphate in cells has the function of storing energy and supplying energy).

Adenosine triphosphate is rapidly converted into adenosine diphosphate, releasing stored energy, so that various parts of the body get a little energy, which is< span>A last-ditch effort by cells and hormones to save lives.

But the energy is limited, the whole process will not last too long, the short may be a few minutes, the long can last about a day or two, when the energy is used up, Life has come to an end.

Third, as relatives, what can we do for the dying?

If you encounter your relatives and friends going through this stage, what can your family members do?

Actually, the most meaningful thing for dying patients is care and companionship< span>.

During this period, family members can create a quiet environment for the patient and chat with him Chat, talk. If the patient has an unfulfilled wish, try to help fulfill the wish as much as possible.

At the same time, we should try our best to provide comprehensive life care to reduce the discomfort and inconvenience of patients, so that patients can face the last journey of life with more dignity.

As much as possible to help patientssolve psychological and psychiatric problemsso that they can Face death calmly. Let the patient go through the last journey of life with “no regrets, no fear and no pain” as much as possible.

Life and death are important events in life. While attaching importance to life, we should not ignore death education and avoid talking about death. Dying patients need more scientific care, and this requires the joint efforts of everyone.


[1]What is the process of dying? In my lifetime, I am fortunate to read”. People’s Daily Online. 2014-12-22

[2] “Why do people “return to the light” before they die? Here comes the scientific explanation”. Family doctor. 2019-03-26

[3] “What can we do before our loved ones die? 》. Guangdong Family Doctors Association. 2016-06-14

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