What exactly is a virus?

#Header Anti-epidemic Popular Science#A virus that has been madly spread around the world, some people say it is the “brother” of bacteria, and some people say it is the “son” of bacteria. So, what exactly is a virus?

Viruses are the smallest of all known living organisms. Specialized in bacteria and actinomycete cells, they have no cellular structure and are mainly composed of proteins and nucleic acids. The shape of the virus can only be seen with the aid of an electron microscope. Because viruses can pass through bacterial filters, they are also called filter viruses.

In layman’s terms, bacteria can be seen under a general microscope with a magnification of 1000 times. But the virus must be seen with an electron microscope at 10,000 magnifications. Observed under the electron microscope, the shape of the virus varies, including coronal, brick, spherical, linear, tadpole and so on.

The virus has a very specific host, and cannot grow and reproduce by itself without being separated from the host. It cannot multiply on the medium, and must grow in living cells. Viruses can be roughly divided into bacteriophages, plant viruses, human and animal viruses according to their parasitic objects.

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