What does it mean when men’s eyebrows grow longer after 50? Doctor: Or a sign of disease

It has always been circulated among the people that people with longevity will have a common manifestation, that is, their eyebrows will be longer than ordinary people’s. It is undeniable that some centenarians have long eyebrows, but some long-lived elderly have normal or sparse eyebrows. However, some men’s eyebrows grow longer after the age of 50. What does this mean? Is it a long lifespan? Let’s find out.

Is eyebrow length related to longevity?

In the eyes of many people, the length of eyebrows is closely related to life expectancy, and they think that long eyebrows are the performance of longevity. In order to study the relationship between eyebrow length and lifespan, the research team conducted a related survey and included 600 elderly volunteers, of which 256 were aged 60-69 and 344 were aged 90-109.

The results show that although the longevity group has longer eyebrows than the control group, about 72.7% of the longevity group do not have long eyebrows; only 5 of the 15 centenarians have eyebrows long. It can be seen that the length of eyebrows has nothing to do with life expectancy.

Men’s eyebrows grow longer after the age of 50, what does that mean?

1. Genetic factors

A person’s hair is sparse or thick, and the growth rate is fast or slow. Influence, eyebrows are no exception. If mothers and fathers have thick and long eyebrows, so do their own.

2. High hormone levels

Hair growth is controlled by male hormones. The more vigorous, the faster the growth rate, including the eyebrows. Men’s eyebrows grow longer after the age of 50, which is a good phenomenon, indicating that the male hormones in the body are sufficient to meet their own needs.

3. Diet reasons

Now the food culture is more and more rich, and various kinds of food are emerging one after another. But often eat fried food, such food will contain hormones, so it will disturb the hormone balance in the body, promote eyebrow growth.

4. Good nutritional status

Brow growth requires adequate nutritional support, especially protein, vitamins and trace elements, etc. . Longer eyebrows in men after the age of 50 indicate good nutritional status.

5. Frequent eyebrow trimming

Frequent trimming of eyebrows will continuously stimulate the hair follicles and activate the growth rate of eyebrows, thereby accelerating the growth of eyebrows Eyebrows grow.

6, age factor

The length of eyebrows is also closely related to age. Due to metabolic factors, old eyebrows fall off naturally, and new eyebrows gradually grow, and the two are in a state of dynamic balance. But when you get older, your metabolism slows down, new eyebrows have grown, but old eyebrows have not fallen off, resulting in longer eyebrows.

What are the abnormalities in the eyebrows that need to be alerted?

1. Eyebrows become dry

Under normal circumstances, eyebrows are as black as hair. If you find that the eyebrows are yellow or dry, without any luster, you need to be alert to lung qi deficiency.

2. Eyebrows fall off

A lot of eyebrows fall off in a short period of time. Nine times out of ten, the hair follicles are damaged. This is related to heavy stress, overwork or staying up late, etc. It may also be caused by diseases.

3. Upturned eyebrows

The eyebrows themselves are upturned, and if they do not improve for a period of time, cystitis should be highly suspected , seek medical examination as soon as possible to confirm the diagnosis.

Message from the doctor

It is worth reminding that you can’t pluck your eyebrows at ordinary times. Uneven force may cause scarring or hyperpigmentation; if the tools used for eyebrow plucking are not sterilized, microorganisms will invade, which will induce folliculitis, and in severe cases, skin cellulitis and boils; plucking eyebrows is not easy to cause enlarged pores , resulting in drooping eyelids. The best way is to shave the eyebrows, in the direction of the growth of the eyebrows, and do a good job of local disinfection at the same time.

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