What diseases can cause back pain? To nourish the back is to nourish the Du meridian. These methods are used

Low back pain is a normal phenomenon. Many people think it is a minor problem. In fact, back pain indicates many diseases, especially for older friends. Be careful.

Auntie Wang, 61, developed left back pain half a year ago. She always thought that the pain was due to old muscles and bones, so she didn’t go to the hospital for any examination, but simply put some plaster on it, which can be changed a few times. After buying some traditional Chinese medicines for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, the pain in the left back has not been relieved. Aunt Wang felt that she didn’t buy the right medicine, so she asked around to see if there were any useful remedies and secrets, and later even relieved her back pain by supplementing calcium frantically.

A month ago, Auntie Wang found that she had severe heartache, palpitation and chest tightness. Although she had these symptoms before, they were mild. This time, she clearly felt that she had a heart problem. Now, I went to the hospital for an examination and was diagnosed with angina pectoris, and I learned from the doctor that the left back pain that had been incurable was also caused by heart disease.

The doctor pointed out that although the heart is an internal organ, it causes referred pain that radiates to the left back, the left shoulder, and the inside of the left arm. In addition to angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction can also cause left back pain. If you have symptoms such as profuse sweating and difficulty breathing, you must go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment.

What diseases can cause back pain?

Pancreatic Disorders

The pancreas is located deep in the abdominal cavity, partly between the stomach and spine, onceDiseases of the pancreas, such as pancreatitis, pancreatic cyst, pancreatic cancer and other diseases, can cause abdominal pain, and can also irritate the spine and cause back pain, especially in the vest area.

Reminder: Pancreatic diseases can be mild or severe, and severe cases are life-threatening. When abdominal pain and back pain occur, you should go to the hospital to find out the cause.


The main symptom of cholecystitis is pain in the upper right abdomen, along with Radiation to the right shoulder or back, and the patient may also have a fever. Cholecystitis causes pain in the right shoulder or right back because the gallbladder overlaps with the sensory nerves in the right shoulder, so both are damaged.

Reminder: Cholecystitis, especially chronic calculous cholecystitis, has similar symptoms to chronic gastritis. Many patients mistakenly treat chronic gastritis for many years. Therefore, once there is pain on the right side of the abdomen, and Right back and shoulder pain, should go to the hospital to check for gallbladder disease.

Periarthritis of the shoulder and cervical spondylosis

Periarthritis of the shoulder and cervical spondylosis can both cause shoulder and back pain. Around the age of 50, the pain is light day and night, and the pain is centered on the shoulder, which radiates to the neck and elbow, and the shoulder movement is limited. The main symptoms of cervical spondylosis are neck pain and stiffness, accompanied by back pain, or headache, numb fingers, dizziness and other symptoms.

Reminder: Frozen shoulder and cervical spondylosis are very common. Cervical spine, back pain and shoulder pain are mostly shoulder and neck diseases. The type of disease should be identified and active protection should be taken daily to avoid aggravating the disease.

thoracic spine disease

thoracic spine disease, such as Bone hyperplasia in the thoracic spine can easily cause upper back pain, and the pain site is close to the spinal area.

Reminder: Back pain around the spine accompanied by chest tightness may be a thoracic spine disease.


Back pain is a typical symptom of osteoporosis. Before the age of 30, new bone formation is greater than Bone loss increases bone density, but after the age of 30, bone density gradually decreases with age, physical activity, and hormone levels. Especially postmenopausal women and men over the age of 50 have the fastest bone loss and are prone to decreased bone density or osteoporosis.

Reminder: If you have back pain after the age of 50, you should pay attention to whether you have osteoporosis.

In addition to the above diseases, lumbar disc herniation, lumbar muscle strain, kidney disease, duodenal disease, and lung disease can all cause low back pain. If you have low back pain, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible to clarify the cause and treat it in time. For example, low back pain caused by lumbar disc herniation, lumbar muscle strain, cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder, and cholecystitis can be applied to the corresponding acupoints or painful areas. Applying Dongle ointment to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis can also be treated by acupuncture, massage and other methods.

Maintaining the back is the maintenance of the Du meridian

The back is where the Du meridian of the human body is located. Yang qi helps the body resist the invasion of wind, cold and dampness and other external pathogens, and reduces the occurrence of diseases. Here are some things you can do to help take care of your back.

1. Sitting at a desk soon, properly exercising the lower back, Xiaoyanfei, five-point support, plank support and other exercises can be practiced.

2. Do not sleep on a soft bed, sit on a soft sofa, or wear high-heeled shoes, etc., all of which will help protect the spine and reduce damage to the Governor Vessel.

3. Keep the back warm, which will help to raise the yang qi. You can take more hot baths and sunbathe your back.

4. Back-pounding and massaging scientifically also help to unclog the Du meridian, and promote the whole body’s yang energy.