What changes will happen to the body when alcohol enters the body for 72 hours? Not only does it damage the liver, it is even more terrifying…

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Experts of this article:

Wang Hao, master student at the Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College

Hu Houxiang, Chief Physician, Professor, Doctor of Medicine, Master Supervisor, Department of Cardiology, Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College

May 1st Holiday At home, some people choose to have a few drinks.

Alcohol will bring a moment of pleasure and relaxation when you are in the stomach, but a small drink will hurt your body.

Maybe many people’s first impression is that drinking alcohol damages the liver. In fact, it is not only harmful to the liver, but also to the brain tissue.

In addition, do you know what happens to our body when alcohol enters the body? Look before you drink.

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0 seconds

From page Beginning with a sip, a small amount of alcoholpenetrates the oral epithelium into the bloodstream, but most of it travels down the esophagus and into the stomach.


5 minutes

About 10-20% of the alcohol entering the stomach penetrates the gastric mucosa and enters the blood circulation through the capillaries, and the alcohol absorbed into the blood takes about 5 minutes< strong>Appears in the blood circulation.


6 minutes

Amin Bühler of the University of Heidelberg in Germany found in human experiments that the presence of alcohol can be detected in brain tissue 6 minutes after drinking.

Alcohol concentrations in most tissues of the human body are approximately the same as those in blood, with the exception of liver and brain tissues, < span>Brain tissue contains 10 times more alcohol than blood.


10 minutes

Subsequentalcohol entering the stomach through the pylorusentering the small intestine< span>, due to the absorption function of the small intestine itself and its larger surface area, about 80-90% of the alcohol is absorbed into the blood in the small intestine.


30-60 minutes

At this time, the concentration of alcohol in the blood reaches the highest peak, and alcohol has reached the various organs and tissues of the body with the blood circulation.

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72 hours

Although alcohol can be detected in saliva after the first sip,3 -It is still detectable for 5 daysand blood alcohol levels can be assessed with a saliva test.

After alcohol enters the body through the mouth, it first enters the intestines from the stomach, enters the blood through capillaries, and enters the liver for metabolism. Diffuse distribution throughout the body, enter the heart, lung, brain, kidney and other tissues, causing corresponding lesions.

What harm does alcohol do to the body

< p>

  • Brain sluggish

  • ul>

    Alcohol quickly penetrates the blood-brain barrier and enters the brain, affecting nerve cells and conduction in the brain.

    When the time is short and the blood alcohol concentration is low (<0.05%), alcohol dilates the blood vessels in the brain and increases the blood supply, making The drinker feels clear-headed, speaks fluently, and is very excited.

    With the increase of blood alcohol concentration, ethanol is metabolized to acetaldehyde and accumulated in the brain, interference The activity of neurotransmitters and nerve receptors causes unsteady walking and unresponsiveness.

    When blood alcohol levels continue to rise (>0.3%), alcohol has Physical damage, the human body begins to feel tired, memory declines, and even amnesia occurs. So, someone wakes up “broken” after drinking.

    • triggered liver fibrosis< /span>

    After investigation and research, it was found that the average adult can remove about 7g of ethanol per hour, that is, 9ml of 100% ethanol.

    GalleryStudies have shown that some people lack acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, which leads to the accumulation of acetaldehyde in the body after drinking alcohol, resulting in headache, nausea, flushing, palpitation, etc. Discomfort performance. If a large amount of acetaldehyde accumulates in the body for a long time, it will stimulate hepatocytes to synthesize collagen fibers, thereby causing liver fibrosis. In severe cases, liver fibrosis will evolve into liver cirrhosis, which is life-threatening.

    • gastrointestinal injury

    The alcohol and gastric acid secreted into the body will stimulate the pancreas to secrete a large amount of pancreatic juice. When the secreted pancreatic juice is blocked When a catheter is inserted,may induce acute pancreatitis.

    Alcohol can also stimulate gastric mucosal damage, induce gastric acid secretion, produce a burning sensation in the stomach, and even erode the stomach in severe cases mucosa, leading to acute gastritis, gastric ulcer, gastric bleeding and other diseases.

    • Sex hormone imbalance< /p>

    The metabolism of alcohol can change the balance of sex hormones, for example, alcohol can damage the testes and inhibit the synthesis of male hormones, < strong>Reduce male hormone production and make your little tadpoles sickly and staggering.

    Finally, a warm reminder: Don’t drink too much! I wish you all a happy May Day holiday!

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