What are the symptoms of kidney disease when it develops into kidney failure? 5 inconspicuous performances, be vigilant

Under normal circumstances, the development of kidney disease is relatively slow. If treatment can be given in time, the rate of damage to glomerular cells will be slowed down, and most patients can be in a relatively stable state. , and the physical condition is relatively good. However, patients with renal disease cannot ignore the existence of some risk factors. Some patients will deteriorate in a short time due to some acute factors, and even promote the occurrence of renal failure.

What conditions may cause kidney failure in patients with kidney disease?

1. Hypertension and poor renal blood flow

After kidney disease, glomeruli are affected. The degree of damage will continue to increase, resulting in abnormal water and sodium metabolism in the body, which will eventually lead to the emergence of secondary hypertension. Compared with ordinary hypertension, renal hypertension is more harmful, not only increasing the heart rate. The incidence of cerebrovascular disease will in turn damage kidney function, because the higher the blood pressure, the greater the pressure on the blood vessels, and the probability of arterial hypertension in the kidneys will increase. This can lead to severe glomerular damage and increase the risk of kidney failure.

2. Thick blood

patients with kidney disease who have the symptoms of a large amount of urine protein Or patients in the middle and late stages of kidney disease, pay special attention to the viscosity of the blood. Due to the loss of protein and the reduction of hemoglobin in the body, hyperlipidemia and hypoproteinemia are prone to occur, resulting in blood viscosity, which not only leads to blood flow If it is not smooth, it will also make the kidneys unable to obtain sufficient blood supply, further increasing the risk of local thrombosis and embolism, which may not only lead to the occurrence of renal failure, but also may threaten the patient’s life.

3. Abnormal blood potassium, blood phosphorus, blood calcium and other indicators< /span>

Patients with nephropathy should regularly check blood routine and blood biochemical indicators to understand the plasma ionization and avoid the occurrence of such indicators as blood potassium, blood phosphorus and blood calcium. It is very helpful to protect kidney function without knowing it when it is abnormal. Because hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hypocalcemia can lead to complications and complicate the condition, such as arrhythmias in patients with hyperkalemia.

4. Poor immunity

Generally, patients with nephropathy who insist on treatment can have long-term It remains in a stable state, but some patients with kidney disease are prone to repeated attacks. The main reason is that their own immunity is particularly poor. Therefore, patients with kidney disease have observed abnormal changes in white blood cells, immunoglobulins, lymphocytes and other indicators. At the same time, it is necessary to make adjustments in time to reduce the chance of recurrence and keep renal function stable.

5, edema and anemia< /p>

Patients with nephropathy are prone to edema due to water and sodium retention. Once the edema increases, it indicates that the renal function has become worse. At this time, it is necessary to relieve the water and sodium retention in time. , if necessary, control the intake of water and salt, and take diuretics and other drugs to protect kidney function reasonably under the guidance of a doctor. Anemia in patients with kidney disease is also more dangerous when it occurs, which will further reduce the patient’s immunity and cause the patient to experience various symptoms.

Message from Family Physician

When kidney disease patients have high blood pressure, they cannot be left alone, nor can they be treated equally with ordinary high blood pressure. Taking antihypertensive drugs on time, and also with a low-salt diet, it is recommended to control blood pressure below 130/80 mmHg.

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