What are the signs before the death of the old man, indicating that there is not much time left, and why?

Everyone starts from the moment they are born and ends when they die. Pascal said, “Man is a thinking reed”. Humans are thinking animals, so from ancient times to the present, people have always been full of awe and curiosity about the unknown subject of death.

Life is like a train, you get on the train when you are born and get off when you die. Maybe you are poor in this life, or maybe you are rich in this life, but everyone’s ending is the same, it is the end of life. Before dying, the elephant will have a premonition that it will go far away and bury itself. People will have more or less signs before the end of their lives, so do you know which ones are there?

1. Why do people die?

Due to the backwardness of technology in ancient times, people believed that death was a kind of fate, and how long a person lived was linked to the book of life. But as the study of medicine and physics deepened, we discovered that how long a person can live depends on many aspects. According to the World Census, one person dies every minute in the world, for a total of approximately 50 million deaths each year.

Physiological death is referred to as the inactivity of the body, that is, when the brain and heart stop moving. From that moment, life has completely disappeared from this world. It also declares the end of your life.

The natural death of people is generally caused by aging, and aging is inseparable from cells. Medical research shows that people generally age from about 25 years old, and cells will accelerate aging with age, and when the cells age to a certain extent, it will gradually lead to the decline of organ function and make people aging.

Telomeres, located at the ends of DNA, shorten each time a cell divides,< /span>When the telomeres divide to the point that they can no longer maintain their own vitality, the cells at this time will begin to degenerate, and when the last telomeres are consumed, life will come to an end. This is death.

In the face of death, people are small and insignificant. Therefore, since ancient times, human beings have never stopped exploring immortality. Qin Shi Huang was even more famous for his persistent pursuit of the elixir of life. However, due to limited ancient technology, research on human death is also limited.

In our modern age, we already know that telomeres are related to life. At this time, some people will wonder, since the end of life is due to the shortening of telomeres, can we lengthen the telomeres, so that our life is not longer?

Actually the answer is yes, yes. But he also has many problems. The study found that a substance called telomerase can indeed effectively lengthen telomeres. It can repair DNA cells damaged during cell division, so as to make DNA Maintain a complete state of mind, so that the body’s cells will not age, and the body’s organs will not decline.

During the research, it was found that telomerase can repair damaged DNA. But at the same time, there are certain dangers. Because telomerase is only found in germ cells and hematopoietic stem cells and cancer cells. The reason why cancer cells can spread rapidly is because of the presence of telomerase. Therefore, if the telomerase that is originally working normally is destroyed, it can cause other diseases such as cancer.

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Human death is a normal phenomenon in nature. The world is a cyclic body, there are people who live and there are people who die. Death is the eternal price of life, and if this balance is broken, there will be more to pay for it.

2. So, what does it feel like to die?

In fact, there is no standard correct answer to the question of what death is like. For us, death is a foreign feeling that we have no way of knowing. For the experiencer, they have no way of conveying it. Therefore, the feeling of death has been the subject of many psychologists’ research.

The famous American psychologist Raymond Moody has conducted research on 150 dying people, Although the experience of the dying may be somewhat different from the real, there are great similarities.

The approximate feeling of death is obtained(1) When people feel near death, there is a This is a peaceful and pleasant state, just like in a very comfortable dimension (2) some will hear some strange sounds when they are dying, similar to the song (3) seeing their own body. A man who fell into the water recalled seeing his body, but he had escaped.

(4) Vision, taste and hearing are better than usual, especially eyesight, which is more than ever (5) will appear Lonely, no matter how much you call others, no one responds (6) When you hear the news of your death, you will feel physically exhausted to the limit.

There is also the natural death of the elderly, also known as the end of life. The first stage is usually manifested as something pressing on the chest and feeling breathless. In the second stage, due to human survival instinct, the elderly will struggle. This is a kind of desire for life. In the third stage, it is generally not painful, because Various organs have almost stopped working, and the old man will be full of tension until he loses consciousness.

The process of dying is both painful and not painful. The painful thing is that the process of death is suffocating and uncomfortable, and the heart is also full of fear. What is not painful is that at the last moment of life, people are also detached, and the decline of the nervous system is no longer felt.

3. What are the signs before the death of the old man?

The most common thing everyone has heard is the phenomenon of “returning light” before death. Usually, the elderly will have a short-term false improvement a few days before they are about to die. Usually, their appetite suddenly improves, and their mental state also improves. “Jingde Chuan Deng Lu”, Volume 30: “Stone Monk’s Song of Cao An, when the light returns, he returns, and the root of Kuoda’s spirit is not to the back.” p>

What does the return of light mean in medicine? In fact, returning to the light is not a phenomenon of physical improvement. It is because at the last moment, the carbon dioxide retained in the body will stimulate the brain to secrete adrenal cortex and glucocorticoids, and these hormones generally It is only through anti-shock and other effects to relieve people’s pain and some symptoms at the end.

In addition, the hormones secrete can easily make people feel excited and provide a lot of energy to the body, But in fact, this energy is just overdrawing the body, and in a few hours, people may die because the energy is not replenished. Although not every dying person has the flashback, it is relatively common. In addition to returning to the light, the old man has the following signs before his death

1,A deceased relative is often seen. There are some elderly people who will come to see their deceased relatives before they die, and let themselves go with them, which sounds a little scary. In fact, this is because the old man began to have hallucinations due to the weakening of consciousness before his death. And this feeling may also make the elderly walk more at ease.

2. I will tell you what to do next. Some elderly people still do not get better after a stroke or serious illness, and they often tell their children about their funeral. In fact, just like the elephant’s hunch about death, the old man may have a hunch, so the children at this time must listen to the old man’s words patiently, so that the old man has no regrets in his heart.

3. You will feel cold hands and feet. When the elderly are dying, the blood circulation of the body has begun to have problems, and the body will not maintain a normal temperature. It usually starts from the soles of the feet and slowly extends to the whole body. At this time, the elderly will cover a lot of quilts, but it is useless.

4. When parents are old, what should they do as children?

Now, with the development of my country’s urban economy, more and more young people leave the countryside and go to the city. The ensuing situation is that there are more and more empty nesters.Data shows that the number of empty nesters in my country has increased from 42% to 54% in ten years. In fact, the most fearful thing in old age is loneliness.

1, We should spend more time with the elderly. Because many elderly people hope that their children can spend more time with them in their later years, but because they are afraid of delaying their children’s work, they generally do not say it. As children, they should spend more time with them, so that they can have a happy life. of old age.

2. I have heard such a sentence. When we were young, we followed our parents, and our parents told us to read and write. When we grew up, They are old. The roles seem to have switched and they have become dependent on us. We as children should also have the patience to chat with our parents and understand their wishes.

3. As people age, the body’s immunity will decline. Sometimes there will be some small problems in the body, but in order not to cause trouble to the children, I will choose to endure it, and sometimes it will become serious. So as children, we should pay attention to the physical condition of our parents, and we should also take the parents for physical examinations regularly.

5. What should the elderly do to live longer?

People are born, old, sick, and death. Death is irreversible, but we can prolong our life through these little things in life.

1, Have a reasonable diet structure and a balanced diet< /strong>. Because the stomach function of the elderly will decrease with age, or have other diseases such as high blood sugar. Therefore, in the daily diet, it is necessary not only to take in certain nutrients, but also to not add too much burden to the stomach.

2, low-intensity exercise or walking . Exercise can promote blood circulation in the body, enhance physical fitness, and enhance cardiopulmonary function. This is good for the elderly, and the effect of prolonging life is more obvious, but pay attention to the intensity of exercise and your own tolerance.

3. Pay attention to changes in the weather. Many elderly people often suffer from lack of warmth when the seasons change. It is easy to catch a cold. The elderly are a very serious problem with colds, because their immune system is relatively weak, it is easy to cause other diseases. So no matter what time, pay attention to keep warm.

4.Drink more water. Water is the source of life. The benefits of drinking more water There are too many, such as: (1) Supplement the necessary water for the human body; (2) It is beneficial to dilute the blood; (3) It is beneficial to metabolism. (4) It has a great effect on moisturizing and beautifying the skin; (5) Digestion of the elderly Poor ability, drinking more water can also help digestion of food. (6) Prevent all kinds of stones.

Summary< /h1>

Death is a necessary lesson in life. Therefore, in our life, we should work hard when we should work and enjoy when we should enjoy, Live a wonderful life without leaving any regrets.

As children, we must take the responsibility of our children in our lives, parents The grace of parenting is greater than God, and we want them to always have a good old age. As an elderly person, you should pay attention to your diet, strengthen physical exercise, and maintain a positive attitude in life.