What are the little flying bugs in the toilet kitchen? Infectious bacteria, parasitic human body, many people do not take it seriously!


Maybe we all have this experience, as long as the weather gets warmer, some small flying insects will always appear in our home for no reason. Especially in toilets, kitchens and fruit bowls.

These flying insects are usually black, small in size, like to fly around, and can’t get rid of them, which is really annoying.

Sometimes you think about cleaning up and disposing of the rubbish, but these little flying insects still show no sign of abating. That’s fine. What’s even more annoying is that as soon as you turn off the lights and play with your phone at night, the flying insects will reappear and keep hovering in front of the screen, unable to finish playing…

What are these little flying bugs? Is there any harm to the human body? Want to attract attention?

Little bugs in the bathroom,

Make her face full of maggots!

This is news that happened in October 2018, when Mr. Zhang, who lives in Shandong, found out that something was wrong with his 97-year-old mother.

At first, a scar suddenly appeared on the face of the old man, and everyone paid no attention to it, thinking it was an age spot. It was not until the mother said that her face felt uncomfortable that the family paid attention to it.

At the community clinic, the doctor’s preliminary examination found that there was no abnormality on the face of the elderly. But a few days later, the old man’s face began to itch extremely, and it was accompanied by unbearable pain.

In an emergency, the family quickly took the old man to the big hospital in the city. Recalling the scene at that time, the attending doctor still has lingering fears:

We immediately uncovered the scab on the old man’s face, and there were dozens of maggots crawling in the scab, which we never expected!

Although all the maggots on the old man’s face were removed after treatment, the old man’s family was still confused. Because according to Mr. Zhang’s own statement, the house is usually very clean, there are no flies at all, and it is even less likely to infect the elderly…

The doctor later explained the reason: the old man was suffering from “myiasis”, and the source of infection was not only flies, but many similar animals may bring the infection.

Later, when Mr. Zhang returned home, he looked through it before and after, and found scattered small flying insects called “moth midges” in the bathroom.

This flying insect has also been shown to cause “myiasis”.

Coincidentally, a man in Shenzhen had a similar experience, but this man was not as lucky as the old lady above.

Mr. Wu, who was 36 years old at the time, was playing with his mobile phone at home and shot the flying insects under his left eyelid to death. Just an hour later, he developed symptoms such as swelling and pain in his left eye.

By the time I got to the hospital, the visual acuity of the left eye had dropped to 0.02, and the intraocular pressure was 53 mmHg (normal intraocular pressure <20 mmHg).

He later experienced loss of vision, corneal dissolution and perforation. Despite all efforts to rescue, the germs were still not controlled, and the eyeball had to be removed in the end.

No one would have thought that these inconspicuous little flying insects could be so harmful. Below I summarize several common flying insects and how to deal with them. If you have encountered them at ordinary times, be sure to read them carefully!

Common in the kitchen: fruit flies

If the fruit you have eaten, such as watermelon skin, grape skin, etc., is thrown away late, you will find that some small black flying insects will appear in these places inexplicably. These small flying insects are called fruit. fly.

Because fruit flies generally lay eggs under the peel of fruits, they basically do not carry germs, and generally do not cause harm to the human body.

However, if you really don’t pay attention to hygiene, or if you have wounds and children at home, “myiasis” may also occur.

Precautions: Fruit must be bought fresh, and if the fruit cannot be eaten immediately, be sure to keep it fresh in the refrigerator. The trash can where the peels and pits are placed must be disposed of in time, and don’t wait until the fruit flies have appeared before thinking about throwing the trash.

If fruit flies are really rampant, don’t panic. Go to the supermarket and buy a bottle of the most common insecticide spray.

Common in toilets: Moth midges

Moth gnats, also known as moths. The name may sound unfamiliar to you, but you must have seen this little bug.

As a sanitary pest, moths carry germs and spread disease. Every spring, with warmer temperatures and humid air, moth midges pop up in your bathroom.

Moth midges generally do not appear singly, because moth midges have strong reproductive capacity, and generally there are 30-100 eggs in an egg mass. So when you spot a moth in your bathroom, it means you probably already have thousands of moths in your bathroom.

The most distressing thing is that moth midges seem to be inexhaustible. If a few are killed today, new moth midges will appear tomorrow, as if it will never be finished.

Moth midges generally live on the walls of sewers and sewer pipes, feeding on sewage sediments and decaying matter, so there are many microorganisms and bacteria on moth midges.

What’s more frightening is that moths will stay on daily necessities such as rags, toothbrushes, mouthwash cups, towels, etc., causing bacteria to spread everywhere.

It can even contaminate underwear, causing pathogenic microorganisms to invade the genitourinary tract and cause infection,women should be especially aware of this.

In addition, the eggs of moths may also enter the human body through food and toiletries and parasitic. At this point, the human body may have symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, insomnia and vomiting.

Occasionally, once the larvae enter the eye and rupture in the eye, it may cause eye discomfort and even blindness.

Precautionary measures: The standing water in the floor and sink must be cleaned up in time, and the kitchen sink, washbasin and bathroom should also be cleaned up after use . If there are still moths, use 84 disinfectant to clean the sewers.

It really doesn’t work, just use a pot of boiling water and pour it directly. In addition, it is best to clean the drains and floor drains once a month, and use “three-proof” for floor drains.

Remember, do not shoot the moths directly with your hands! Can be sprayed with insecticide!

Common in flowers and plants: Sharp-eyed Mushroom Mosquito

If you like to keep some flowers and plants at home, then you must have found black flying insects on the branches and leaves of flowers and plants. This kind of flying insect is called the sharp-eyed mushroom mosquito. It is different from the blood-sucking mosquitoes we usually see. This kind of mosquito does not suck blood and mainly feeds on rotten organic matter, so it is basically harmless to the human body.

However, because the pots in which flowers and plants are grown are relatively humid, and there are fertilizers, it is easy to grow mold, which can harm the human body through the skin, respiratory and digestive systems, etc. .

Preventive measures: If the point-eyed fungus has already appeared, it is best to replace the entire pot of soil, as there are eggs in the soil. Usually, dead leaves and sawdust in the pot should be cleaned up in time. If the flowers and plants need to be watered frequently, it is best to cover the soil surface with a layer of fine sand.

Common in rice: rice moth

The one that often appears in rice and millet is called rice moth. It is generally difficult to eradicate rice moths. If you find that rice moths have appeared in the rice at home, it means that the food should really be taken out for drying.

Countermeasures:Don’t buy too much rice at one time, buy it on demand. Try to buy small bags of rice. If it is a large bag of rice, be sure to seal the mouth of the bag, and do not put it in a place where the temperature is high or moderately large, such as the kitchen, and try to put it in a cool and dry place.

Or wrap the peppercorns with gauze and place one on the top, middle and bottom of the rice.

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