What are the high incidence of middle-aged and elderly women? Mother’s health, have you paid attention to it? May wish to know

If time loves us the most, it is our mothers. Since childhood, everyone will be held in the arms of their mothers and then gently coaxed to sleep. There are many mosquitoes in summer, and every day before going to bed, the mosquitoes in your mosquito net will be shot to death. From the day your mother gave birth to you, she is a “superwoman” We all know how difficult it is to raise a child, and so do mothersfrom a girl to a mother, they are actually very hard.

What is the best thing in the world, it must be that you have grown up , Mom is not old yet, You still have a long time to repay her. But now I’m busy with work, sometimes I can’t go home, and I don’t even have the chance to make a phone call. My mother’s company is very little, and my mother has always been considerate of us, but why did we care about her? We grew up, She is getting old and her body is not as good as before. We thought she was still young, but in fact her body may not be as healthy as you think.

As my mother gets older, some diseases will come to her door to learn about the high incidence of diseases in middle-aged and elderly women< /strong>

First we hear it all the timedementia , if you and your mother often hear her say that you are always forgetting somethingwherever you go, always forgetting what you are going to do, sleep disorder or often sleep well, emotional instability , that may be a precursor to Alzheimer’s. Don’t think that this disease is sudden, it is not, it is a disease with a long incubation period, which can last up to 20 years. >In other words, if this is the case, prevention should be started 20 years in advance. If suffers from memory and cognitive decline, particularly unsafe, and The life expectancy will be only 3 to 7 years.

And there iscerebral infarction, the general symptom of this disease is dizziness. The incidence of this disease is not small.The latest data from the medical journal “The Lancet” shows that the number of people suffering from cerebral infarction in the world has accounted for 40% of the world, strong>What is this concept? Nearly half of the world’s people will suffer from cerebral infarction, and the number is increasing every year. This disease is generally mostly between the ages of 45 and 75 years old.There will be some numbness in the body, and Symptoms of reduced mobility, severe and life-threatening.

If you find that your mother has these symptoms, you should pay attention. For example, the corner of the mouth will be unable to move or sag, and the arms will be raised in parallel for 10 seconds. Before the time is up, the arms will sag and the speech cannot be expressed clearly.< span>If these symptoms may be cerebral infarction, you should go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time. If parents have suffered from cerebral infarction, they should spend more time with them, because if the disease occurs, the rescue time is only 4 to 5 hours.

ShinglesIsn’t everyone familiar with this? Is a skin disease, or a more serious one. After the age of 45, the immune system of the human body will be relatively low, Then the body will encounter large and small diseases, and shingles is the A high incidence of disease at this age. Once suffering from this disease, there will be many red rashes and severe pain on the body. Not only that, but alsoextremely contagious, The country has a vaccine for shingles for a long time, many people don’t know it, hurry up and take your parents to get it.

There is also sarcopenia, because muscle loses a lot as we age, starting at age 35 and then < span>30% muscle loss at age 60. Although it is normal for the elderly to have less muscle, if there is too littlethe body does not have enough muscle support and it is easy to fall. Nowadays, there are many news about the elderly falling, so the nutrition of parents is also neededconcerned. In addition to muscle loss, there is also osteoporosis. One in every 50 people in the country suffers from osteoporosis.The elderly Although the loss of calcium in the body causes a decrease in bone density, although it is normal, if it is not treated in time, it will be a great threat to the body.A small sneeze or an indifferent bump in life can lead to fractures. So it’s best to take them to the hospital every yearfor a bone density check.

Finallyis cancer, the leading cause of cancer in our country The incidence is not low.Especially after the age of 40, the body’s immune system is getting lower and lower, which will lead to the occurrence of cancer. Every minute, there will be 7 more cancer patients in the world. . If parents suddenly become thin and have symptoms of fever and body pain, they should pay attention. Women begin menopause after age 45, mood is unstable, if not Timely adjustment can seriously lead to depression.

Seeing this, you still feel that both mother and father are in good health, don’t you need to worry? Even if It is the parents who feel uncomfortable and will easily tell you, trouble you? No, so what can we do?

Pay attention to the health of your parents, starting with these little things

firstregular They have a physical examination, and can do breast, cancer, gastrointestinal, blood lipid and heart examinations, etc. General hospitals or medical examination centers havespecial examination items for the elderly. If you find any sudden discomfort in their body, you should pay attention to them and take them to see a doctor in time. Many people will like to buy some health products when they are older. Sometimes parents know what is regular and what is fake and inferior products. We have to remind them or help them buy, but firstAsk your doctor for advice.

Cleaning for parents every time off,special< /span>Refrigerators, air conditioners, and chopping boards are all things that are prone to mold growth. Including chopsticks and rags should be replaced regularly to prevent the growth of bacteria and affect health. Remind them not to eat preserved foods,in whichcontains nitrite strong>It is not good for the health of blood vessels, and is easy to cause cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure. Don’t eat leftovers, eat them the same day you make them. Eat more fruits, soak your feet before going to bed, the water temperature is about 41 degrees, and soak for 20 minutes. It is good for sleep, and you can also give your parents a massage.There are many acupoints on the feet, and massage is helpful to the body.

every daysleep time reaches 7-8 hours, and should go to sleep at 11:00,

span>You can call and chat with your parents before going to bed, relax their body and mind and reduce their worries about you. If you have time, go for a walk with them and get some sunshine to promote the body’s absorption of bones and prevent osteoporosis.

To sum up: our parents photographed us growing up, we must accompany them well, grow old slowly, more Paying attention to their physical health is what a good child should do.


1. “Your mother’s body really doesn’t You want to be so healthy!” – Women’s Voice of the All-China Women’s Federation 2022-01-08