What are the different symptoms of heart fire, stomach fire, liver fire, lung fire, and kidney fire? how to reduce fire

Cholesterol is a bad guy in the eyes of most people, especially the middle-aged and the elderly, and everyone is afraid of it. In fact, cholesterol is not as scary as everyone thinks, and it is not useless.

Cholesterol in our body is divided into good and bad. Good cholesterol is the guardian of the cardiovascular system. Only bad cholesterol is the bad molecule that destroys cardiovascular health.

If the cholesterol in the body is too high, in addition to drug control, some foods in life that can help break down cholesterol can also be eaten regularly to help reduce blood lipids.

The “blood vessel cleaning agent” in food was found, and if you eat it regularly, bad cholesterol may be lowered

1 , Whole-wheat bread

Whole-wheat bread contains more nutrients than refined grains such as white rice and flour, especially the content of dietary fiber and vitamin B group is very high. The staple food is whole-wheat bread, Can help reduce bad cholesterol levels in the body.

However, when buying whole-wheat bread, you need to pay attention to buying real whole-wheat bread. Some good-tasting bread may not be made of whole-wheat, and other ingredients may be added.

2. Fish meat

The content of cholesterol in meat is high, so many people with high cholesterol do not Dare to eat, in fact, white meat can perfectly solve this problem. Fish has low cholesterol content and high nutritional value. After eating, it can not only supplement nutrition, but also help reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body.

3. Tofu

Tofu contains more lecithin, which can regulate the body In the role of cholesterol levels, after lecithin enters the body, it will produce choline, which can prevent atherosclerosis.

But you need to pay attention when eating tofu, don’t eat oily tofu, it is the champion of oil content in the tofu family. Eat tofu in moderation, not every day, be careful of stones.

4. Onions

Onions are rich in capsaicin, which can not only kill bacteria, but also promote Blood circulation, help break down cholesterol and prevent cholesterol from depositing in the blood, so people with high cholesterol can often eat some onions to help reduce cholesterol levels.

5. Peanuts

Peanuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and are not high in calories. Appropriate consumption will not lead to obesity, and it also has effects on cardiovascular health. benefit.

Eating some peanuts often can clean up the garbage in the blood vessels, and the cholesterol in peanuts is a kind of plant cholesterol, which can resist cholesterol in the body, and the linoleic acid in peanuts can also metabolize cholesterol, so eat it often Some peanuts help maintain cardiovascular health and prevent cardiovascular disease.

6. Corn

Corn is rich in vitamins, minerals and crude fiber, which can remove Waste in the body, improve physical activity. The unsaturated fatty acids in corn can promote the metabolism of cholesterol and fat in the body and soften blood vessels.

Corn is high in crude fiber and low in fat, making you feel full after eating, which can avoid excessive calorie intake. And corn silk is also a good thing. Boiled with it can clear blood vessels, lower blood lipids, and protect the health of blood vessels.

In addition, compared with ordinary food, the following traditional Chinese medicine lowering the three highs can be called a real “vascular cleansing agent”. “.

Qingqianliu burdock tea: mainly use Qingqianliu, burdock root, mulberry leaf, cassia seed, pueraria root, chrysanthemum, lotus leaf, sea buckthorn, hawthorn, corn Mustard and other natural herbal materials are combined according to the formula to make a tea drink that is very beneficial to lowering blood lipids, blood pressure and blood sugar.

These diets, often eaten in life, can help remove bad cholesterol and lower blood lipid levels. In addition, to maintain the health of blood vessels, you should also pay attention to drinking more water, exercising more, speeding up blood circulation and avoiding blood vessel blockage.