What are the commonly used infusion ports for chemotherapy in breast cancer patients?

Patients with breast cancer chemotherapy usually need 4-8 cycles of treatment, the total time is about 4-6 months, or even longer. If chemotherapy drugs are infused through peripheral veins, if leakage occurs accidentally, it may lead to local skin necrosis, with serious consequences. Today, I would like to talk with you about the infusion ports commonly used in chemotherapy for breast cancer patients.

As a newest central venous infusion method, the infusion port can provide patients with long-term intravenous chemotherapy vascular access under normal use, maintenance and no complications, and the catheter usage period is about 20 years. years or so. Since the infusion port is completely implanted into the body, the impact on the patient is extremely low in terms of appearance and physical activity. It is the best choice for patients with repeated chemotherapy of breast cancer!

Data map issued by Xinhua News Agency

So, what are the precautions after the infusion port is implanted? ?

After each cycle of chemotherapy, breast cancer patients should first pay attention to whether there is pain, swelling, infection, hematoma and other symptoms at the implanted site of the infusion port. Secondly, avoid pressing and hitting the injection seat, keep the skin of the injection seat implanted dry and clean, reduce the chance of infection, and avoid excessive friction. At the same time, avoid activities such as lifting heavy objects, weightlifting, and violent arm swinging, such as holding children, lifting dumbbells, playing golf, and playing badminton. During the discontinuation of the catheter, the hospital should be flushed and sealed with positive pressure once every 4 weeks.

Because the infusion port is completely implanted in the body, during the treatment interval, the patient can perform general daily work including swimming, showering, etc., housework, physical exercise, but should avoid strenuous exercise, such as: butterfly swimming, freestyle swimming , pull-ups, laundry, etc. At the same time, patients also need to pay close attention to their body temperature changes. If there is unexplained fever or other conditions, they must go to the hospital in time.

Source: Beijing Shijitan Hospital

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