Weight loss products actually come from a dog food processing workshop

A weight loss product with beautiful packaging and excellent ingredients

Eating it will make people diarrhea

It turns out that this product contains prohibited ingredients

It is even more disturbing Unexpectedly,

this product comes from a pet feed workshop


Mr. Li originally wanted to surprise his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day, so he bought it I bought two boxes of fruit and vegetable detoxification and beauty tablets called Fibre Beauty as a gift for my girlfriend. Who knew that my girlfriend would not stop having diarrhea after eating it. In March of this year, the Rudong County Procuratorate of Jiangsu Province filed a public prosecution, Qi and other eight defendants were sentenced to corresponding penalties for the crime of producing and selling poisonous and harmful food.

The picture shows the court trial scene

The detoxification and beauty tablets purchased by Mr. Li are from a couple from Nanjing. . It is understood that the Qi couple sells two detoxification and beauty tablets, one is called Guoyuankang and the other is called Xianxiuyan, which are beautifully packaged. For the ingredients of the product, the outer packaging is expressed as fruit extract, protein, dietary fiber, etc. The two weight loss products are widely sold in beauty stores across Jiangsu.

However, the sales of such delicate products are very secretive. When Qi and his wife sold them to the owner of the beauty shop, they especially warned: “Don’t sell it on the showcase, keep it hidden, and not be checked by the relevant departments. Come.” Most of the people who buy this weight loss product are beauty lovers who need to lose weight, and there are even customers who buy it for their children at home.

After investigation, since 2014, Mr. and Mrs. Qi purchased barreled bulk tablets and packaging boxes, labels, anti-counterfeiting codes, etc. Filling, labeling, plastic sealing, packaging results in two brands of detoxification and beauty products, Yuankang and Xianxiuyan, and sells them through beauty product exhibitions, WeChat Moments and other channels, claiming to have bowel movements, detoxification and beauty, weight loss and slimming. and other effects.

The bulk tablets at Fang Jia were ordered from Gu. Gu has been engaged in the sales of cosmetics and slimming tablets for many years. In December 2020, Gu ordered 2.6 million weight loss tablets from Zhou after learning about Fang A’s ordering needs. Zhou found his last company, Wang, and reached a production agreement with him for 2.6 million bulk tablets, and Wang was handed over to Xu for production.

Who would have thought that Xu’s workplace is located in his own pet feed processing workshop. Xu mixed 300 kg of phenolphthalein raw materials, starch, flavors and other auxiliary materials provided by Zhou with water, mixed them with water, and pressed them with a mold. After the tablet, 2.6 million bulk tablets were produced, which were packed into wooden barrels and shipped to Gu. After testing, the content of phenolphthalein in the tablet is 60.1g/kg to 109g/kg. It is reported that phenolphthalein is a stimulant laxative, which can damage the enteric nervous system when taken for a long time.

After receiving the tablets, Mr. and Mrs. Qi packed them by filling and labeling them by themselves. Each box was sold to beauty shops at prices ranging from 40 to 80 yuan. Prices ranging from 128 yuan to 198 yuan per box are sold to consumers.

In January this year, the Rudong County Procuratorate charged 8 people including producers Wang and Xu, intermediaries Zhou, Gu, Fang A, sellers Qi and his wife, and packaging workers Fang B. The crime of producing and selling poisonous and harmful food shall be prosecuted to the court. In the end, the above-mentioned eight persons were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from one to ten years, and each was fined between 10,000 and 900,000 yuan. Production, sales and related activities.

The behavior of Qi and his wife also violated the legal rights and health of unspecified consumers, and harmed the social and public interests. Rudong County Procuratorate then filed a criminal incidental civil public interest lawsuit against Qi and his wife, asking them to publicly apologize on the provincial media, issue a consumer warning, and pay three times the sales price, which was supported by the court ruling. Up to now, the compensation has been paid in place, and Qi and his wife have also publicly apologized in the provincial media.

Source: Procuratorate Daily

Author: Pan Qian

Photo: Provided by Rudong County Procuratorate

Source: Jiangsu Procuratorate Online
