Weifang Shouguang Vegetable Expo: Medicine and Vegetables Homogeneous Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Adds “Shouguang Taste”

Dazhong.com·Poster reporter Sun Xue Correspondent Yuan Ping Reported from Weifang

What will happen when Shouguang vegetables meet traditional Chinese medicine? More than 100 kinds of medicinal vegetables, a variety of advanced cultivation modes… The theme of the same origin of medicinal and vegetables, which is featured in Hall 6 of the Vegetable Expo, is eye-catching. A wide variety of medicinal vegetables are integrated with the traditional cultural landscape to build a The Chinese medicine popularization platform for the general public, showing the “shouguang flavor” of Chinese medicine culture.

Walking into Hall 6, the exhibition hall is full of greenery, and the rich smell of vegetables is overwhelming. The first thing that catches the eye is the long loofah trellis, and the four square trellis on the left are planted with rattan notoginseng and gourds. Continue to go inside, a “planting pond” full of various green crops is amazing. The green plants inside are of different shapes, some with slender leaves and clusters of purple flowers; some are like tall Herbs, fruit oblong or oval… “This is rat melon, tender melon can be eaten as a vegetable, and its peel, flower buds, fruit, and leaves can be used as medicine; this is Artemisia annua, and its stems and leaves can be used as medicine, It has the functions of clearing heat, cooling blood, relieving summer heat, relieving itching, etc. There are also Huoxiang, Motherwort, Salvia, Hollyhock, etc. Many people may have heard these names, but most people have not seen their growth form. Here, Everyone can see the real face.” The staff enthusiastically introduced the pharmacological properties of each medicinal material.

According to the different effects of medicinal vegetables, the hall is also divided into different functional areas such as high calcium functional area, blood pressure lowering functional area, liver protection functional area, heat-clearing and detoxifying functional area. For example, in the hypotensive functional area, three medicinal and vegetable homologous plants with antihypertensive effects were planted using the matrix tripod cultivation mode. Three common Chinese herbal medicine plants with heat-clearing and detoxifying effects were planted in the three-dimensional matrix pipeline cultivation in the heat-clearing and detoxifying functional area

mode. The high-calcium functional area uses hydroponic pipes to grow vegetables with high calcium content such as agaric, spinach and root dacha.

“The loofah has extremely high medicinal value, as well as vine notoginseng, rat melon, chrysanthemum brain, yellow flower Artemisia and other unnamed Chinese herbal medicines are really good experience!” Hearing that this year’s Vegetable Expo has added a medicine and vegetable homology theme pavilion, citizen Liu Xiaozeng specifically searched for relevant videos of the pavilion through the Internet. In addition to displaying Chinese herbal medicine plants, the designer also thoughtfully made exhibition boards to introduce the morphological characteristics, medicinal parts, pharmacological properties, and edible efficacy of each medicinal vegetable in detail, so that tourists can understand the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine while playing, and more Image and profound understanding of Chinese herbal medicine and Chinese medicine culture.

Shen Nong’s Taste Baicao Garden, Sun Simiao Medicine King Garden, Medicine Saint Li Shizhen Landscape… In addition to displaying a wide variety of medicinal vegetables, Hall 6 also has a number of cultural landscapes related to traditional Chinese medicine. The integration of traditional Chinese medicine science, traditional culture and healthy eating concepts allows the concept of traditional Chinese medicine to enter thousands of households with vegetables.

Through the landscape of the same origin of heaven and earth and the landscape of Li Shizhen, the sage of medicine, a variety of medicinal vegetables “grown” on rows of shelves, only to see their leaves, but not their roots. “This is an aerosol cultivation mode. The principle is to atomize the nutrient solution and spray it directly on the roots of the plants to provide the water and nutrients needed for vegetable production. Vegetables grown in this mode have high yield and fresh taste. And it’s clean and hygienic.” The staff introduced that in addition to the aerosol cultivation mode, agricultural high-tech such as tripod substrate cultivation and pipe cultivation were also displayed. The in-depth integration of modern agriculture and traditional Chinese medicine culture gave the ancient Chinese medicine culture a strong era of technology. feel.

Traditional Chinese medicine is the treasure of the Chinese nation and the crystallization of five thousand years of civilization. The collision of technology and tradition makes Hall 6 a “learning paradise” for tourists. If you are interested in “medicine and vegetable homology”, you may wish to “tour on the cloud”.