“Wealth Comes From Positioning” “The Boss’ Thinking Positioning 27”

Twenty-nine, altruistic thinking

The success or failure of entrepreneurship depends on whether you can make a correct decision? How to make a correct decision? If you do an “altruistic” thing, you can make the “right” decision, why? Because doing “altruistic” things will generate “happiness” in the depths of the heart, and happiness will generate “wisdom”. When the “wisdom” sublimates to a certain level, the enterprise will enter a positive and smooth cycle;

< p data-track="3">On the contrary, if you do a “selfish” thing, you will make a “wrong” decision, why? Because, doing things for “self-interest” will cause “anxiety” in the heart, and trouble will not produce wisdom, but only “ignorance”. When “ignorance” sublimates to a certain level, the company will enter a negative and miserable state. Loop track.

How to do “altruism” well? The only way to do that is to “get your heart out”. Aroused thoughts are “seeds”, evil seeds bear bad fruits, good seeds bear good fruits; good causes, good karma, good fruits; bad causes, bad karmas, bad fruits. How far can your business go?

For example, Alibaba’s business philosophy is “to make the world easy to do business”; Wal-Mart’s business strategy is “everyday parity”; Sakyamuni’s business philosophy The Dao is “to save all sentient beings”; the “dao” of the way of business management is to “start the heart and mind”.

Do you want to “make money” or help customers “solve problems”? These are two different paths with different outcomes. Alibaba is a service provider, serving the B side and the C side. If one day Ali deviates from this track, it will fail to do WeChat and search.

Those who think about themselves are called “smart”, and those who think about others are called “wisdom”. Every day you think about making money yourself, but you can’t make any money; every day you think about helping others share their names, profits, and share their dreams bosses can make big money.

To be continued, wonderful to continue, friends who have not followed, please pay attention, don’t miss the help of each article to you. Please read the next article: Thinking