“Wealth Comes From Positioning” Section 2 Business Thinking Positioning of Enterprises: (7) Capital Thinking

What is the best outcome of a business? The answer is to work hard for a while and enjoy it for a lifetime. How to accomplish this “dream”? The method is to link through “capital”.

In the past, we always found or produced a product first, and then sold it, which is actually a wrong business philosophy. How can a company wait for a product to come out before selling it? It is a good time to “make wealth” when the product does not come out.

Can a product (or item) be “pre-sold” before it comes out? Can a department (or store) be “crowdfunded” before it is established? Can a company “finance” before it is established? These are the three criteria to test whether the company can make a steady profit without losing money.

What kind of company will “die”? The project investment needs 10 million yuan, and you raise 1 million yuan yourself and loan 9 million yuan. If your company is in this situation, then you would rather invest in the river than invest.

Today, there is no difference between being a 10-million-dollar enterprise and a 100-million-dollar enterprise. The key is to overtake on a curve, change lanes to overtake, and change the cage for birds. The positioning of capital thinking”. The company should use “capital thinking” to become a “good enterprise”, rather than use “product thinking” to become a “good enterprise”.

Well, the series of articles on “Business Thinking Positioning” in the second section of “Wealth Comes from Positioning” will be shared here today. Positioning determines status, thinking determines behavior, and behavior determines results. Many of the views in the article represent only personal views, and deficiencies are inevitable. This article was originally created by “Baisuzhen Network Technology Company”. Friends who have not paid attention to it, please pay attention, and don’t miss the help of each article to you. See the next article: Pattern thinking.