Warning! Rainstorm disaster + geological disaster, please guard against these districts and counties!

According to Chongqing Meteorological Observatory’s forecast

There will be two cold air processes in our city this week

Evening on the 11th to daytime on the 12th

me There was a strong thunderstorm weather process from west to east in the city

most areas with rainfall Heavy to heavy rain

Thunderstorms are localized p>

Short-term heavy precipitation, gusty winds and hail, etc.

Strong convective weather

cooling and rainfall will continue from the 14th to the 16th Weather

Car in the rain Walking slowly (data map) Photo by Zou Le

< span>Please see the specific weather forecast


11th From night to daytime on the 12th, shower or thunderstorm turns cloudy in the west, showers or thunderstorms in other areas, heavy rain to heavy rain in most areas, local thunderstorms With strong convective weather such as gusty winds and hail. The temperature is 11~26℃.

Central City: Thunderstorms turn cloudy, heavy rains to heavy rains, and temperatures are 18-25°C.

Night on the 12th and daytime on the 13th, it will be cloudy and cloudy everywhere. The temperature is 9~27℃.

Central city: cloudy and cloudy, with a temperature of 15~ 26°C.

From the night of the 13th to the daytime of the 14th, it will be cloudy with showers or scattered showers everywhere. The temperature is 10~24℃.

Central urban area: cloudy days turn to showers, the temperature is 15-22 ℃.

for good In this round of cold air process prevention and response, relevant municipal departments have jointly made work arrangements and issued early warnings.

Rainstorm Hazard Risk Area

①Higher risk area

Changshou District, Dianjiang County, Fengdu County, Zhong County, Wanzhou District, Yunyang County, Fengjie County and Wushan County.

②There is a certain risk area

Yuzhong District, Shapingba District, Dadukou District, Jiangbei District, Jiulongpo District, Nan’an District, Liangjiang New District, High-tech District, Yubei District, Beibei District, Banan District, Hechuan District, Dazu District, Tongliang District, Bishan District, Rongchang District, Yongchuan District, Jiangjin District, Qijiang District, Wansheng District, Nanchuan District, Fuling District, Liangping District, Kaizhou District, Wuxi County, Wulong District, Pengshui County, Shizhu County, Qianjiang District, Youyang County.

Geohazard Risk Area

①Higher risk area

Yubei District, Fuling District, Changshou District, Wanzhou District, Liangping District, Fengdu County, Zhong County, Dianjiang County, Yunyang County, Fengjie County, Wushan County, Shizhu County.

②There is a certain risk area

Yuzhong District, Shapingba District, Dadukou District, Jiangbei District, Jiulongpo District, Nan’an District, Liangjiang New District, High-tech District, Beibei District, Banan District, Hechuan District, Tongliang District, Bishan District, Yongchuan District, Jiangjin District, Qijiang District, Wanhua District Sheng District, Nanchuan District, Kaizhou District, Chengkou County, Wuxi County, Wulong District, Qianjiang District, Youyang County and Pengshui County.

job deployment

1. Strengthen on-duty duty. Relevant departments of all districts and counties are required to strictly implement the leadership-led shift and 24-hour emergency duty duty system, conscientiously perform their duties and responsibilities, ensure that personnel are in their posts and work in the state, and respond effectively to disasters and dangers.

2. Strengthen monitoring and early warning . Deploy relevant departments of meteorology, water conservancy, planning and natural resources in each district and county to strengthen information sharing, improve the accuracy of monitoring and forecasting in the region, conduct joint consultation and judgment in a timely manner, deploy countermeasures, and roll out rain conditions, Water regime and warning information.

Pay attention to prevent landslides, collapses, etc. that may be caused by rainfall Geological disaster. Under the premise of ensuring the safety of water conservancy projects, relevant districts and counties will do a good job in water storage and water conservation.

3. Strengthen inspections . Strengthen the investigation of hidden dangers, focusing on the areas prone to mountain torrents and geological disasters, tourist attractions, reservoirs and hydropower stations, key projects under construction, low-lying urban and rural areas prone to flooding, and densely populated areas such as schools, factories, mines, and hospitals; Lonely and widowed elderly, left-behind children, disabled people and other special groups, fishing groups such as riverside, ditch, riverside fishing, and disaster-sensitive industries such as road transportation and shipping.

Clarify special personnel to keep an eye on weak links and refine countermeasures , and resolutely put an end to mass deaths and injuries.

4. Strengthen emergency preparedness . Verify emergency transfer and resettlement areas, routes and communication equipment, etc., and make preparations for disaster emergency response and rescue in advance. Rescue teams at all levels remain vigilant and enter an emergency rescue state. Once a disaster or danger occurs, they can deal with it in time and properly resettle the people.

Source: Chongqing Emergency Release Chongqing Weather< /span>