Warm heart accompany the patient to seek medical treatment easily

This article is reproduced from: People’s Network Chongqing Channel

“Sit tight! Drive!” This is a heartwarming scene being staged at Kuanren Hospital in northern Chongqing. In order to relieve the anxiety of the patients during surgery, the hospital uses the “sports car” in the hospital, the image of the hospital to help, and play cartoons to distract attention, and practice the value concept of “making patients easy to seek medical treatment”.

Before surgery, the medical staff squatted down and held the animation on the mobile phone to accompany the little patient. Photo courtesy of Kuanren Hospital in the north of Chongqing

In the ENT ward of the hospital, a 5-year-old boy, wearing a hospital uniform and driving a “sports car”, was surrounded by parents, nurses and Kuankuan Angel. Accompanied by (the image of the hospital), he drove all the way from the ward to the exchange room of the operating room.

However, at the moment he will face an adenoidectomy. This scene made many family members waiting outside the operating room feel novel: “This is the first time a child who sees himself ‘driving’ for an operation.”

Most children are naturally afraid of hospitals, injections and food. Medicine, crying children are often seen at the door of the operating room. Liu Rongrong, Director of the Department of Otolaryngology, Kuanren Hospital, Chongqing, said: “Fear and anxiety before surgery may cause physiological changes such as endocrine disorders, increased blood pressure, and increased heart rate in children, which is not conducive to the operation.”

Escorting small patients into the operating room. Contributed by Kuanren Hospital in Northern Chongqing

For this reason, the medical and nursing team resorted to many “heart-warming tricks”. For example: take the initiative to say hello to the child before surgery, carry the child into the operating room, chat with the child to distract attention, play favorite cartoons on the operating table, etc.

Nie Lihua, head nurse of the Department of Otolaryngology, said: “In order to appease the tension of the child before the operation, everyone should provide more family care and try to relieve the preoperative anxiety of the little patient.” To ensure the safety of the children, the seats of the “sports car” are equipped with seat belts, and the nurses will escort the children throughout the process to safely enter the operating room exchange room.

“I cried before I came. After persuading me for a long time, I was still scared. Who knew that when we saw the car, we hadn’t spoken yet. He happily got into the car and was ready to go.” The little boy’s father said .

The toy “sports car” is not only a “little trick” to ensure the smooth cooperation of the children with the operation, but also a “hospital humanistic construction” carried out by Northern Kuanren to practice the value of “letting patients to seek medical treatment easily”. a microcosm. (Contributed by Chongqing Northern Kuanren Hospital)

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