Wanzai County Mabu Township Health Center launched the “World Family Doctor Day” activity

May 19, 2022 is the 12th “World Family Doctor Day”, and the theme of this year’s event is “Meet with Family Doctors and Stay Healthy”. The family doctor team members of the Mabu Township Health Center in Wanzai County took advantage of the opportunity of gathering the elderly in the street garden to vigorously publicize the family doctor contract service, and increase the public’s awareness and perception of the family doctor contract service. At the same time, family doctors play an active role in epidemic prevention and control, and publicize the precautions in normalized epidemic prevention and control.

The hospital distributes family doctor contract service brochures, promotional materials fans, aprons, etc. Family doctor promotional poster. Family doctors fully understand and familiarize with the basic health status of the contracted residents, communicate face-to-face with the contracted residents, and take the initiative to provide chronic disease consultation, appointment, guidance, and medication guidance for the contracted residents. At the same time, we vigorously publicize the specialties of traditional Chinese medicine physiotherapy and chronic diseases in the hospital, so that residents can understand the medical technology level of our hospital, which is convenient for the contracted residents to get medical treatment nearby, and teach them the method of convenient settlement of medical insurance by scanning the mobile phone code.

At the same time, family doctors in the hospital measure blood pressure for residents free of charge. Residents make full use of contracted services to obtain basic medical care, health management, health education and consultation, appointment and referral, medication guidance, traditional Chinese medicine through family doctors “Preventive treatment” and other services will further strengthen the relationship between family doctors and contract residents, and effectively improve the sense of acquisition and experience of contract residents. In addition, the family doctor service team has not forgotten to carry out publicity and education on the prevention and control knowledge of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and a healthy lifestyle to the masses, and urged the masses not to relax their vigilance, continue to do personal protection, wash hands frequently, wear masks, and ventilate more , seek medical attention in time when there is a physical problem.

More than 600 health publicity materials were distributed during the event, and more than 200 residents signed up for free clinics. Through this activity, Mabu Township Health Center earnestly implemented the measures of normalized epidemic prevention and control and network management at the grass-roots level, established a network of epidemic prevention and control in urban and rural communities, and enhanced residents’ sense of identity, participation, and attraction to the contracted services of family doctors. The masses take the initiative to sign contracts with family doctors to enhance residents’ understanding and jointly fight against the epidemic. If you truly meet family doctors, your health will always be with you. The event was well received and praised by the general public.