Walked out of the fever clinic and received a “warm heart and care package” to fight the epidemic “big white” was guarded

Caption: The medical staff of Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital adhere to the “main positions” such as fever clinic and nucleic acid testing Photo provided by the interviewee (the same below)

Zhu Ying, the head nurse who was rescuing patients in the fever clinic overnight, took off her “big white” and just got ready After the night shift came out of the fever clinic, she could see the exhaustion on her face through the mask. In the rest area, she got an exclusive “warm-hearted care package”, which contained a tea bag made of traditional Chinese medicine for preventing and dispelling epidemics and a nutritious breakfast made by Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. What moved her most was a letter from the hospital party committee and labor union. The letter of condolence conveys concern and encouragement to the medical staff between the lines.

Recently, Shanghai has encountered the “cold spring” of the new crown epidemic. The front-line soldiers in white have been fighting continuously to stop the epidemic. Since the beginning of the current round of the epidemic, in the “sentry post” of the fever clinic of the Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, the staff here are on duty 24 hours a day, bearing the “double pressure” of treating fever patients and sealing and controlling community transfer patients, and patients who have recently come to see the doctor With the characteristics of severe illness, many types of diseases and complex situations, medical staff are faced with complex tests of physical and mental strength. The same pressure also appears in nucleic acid sampling points, testing PCR laboratories, hemodialysis rooms and other jobs.

Introduced by the hospital, in order to take the initiative to understand the difficulties on the front line and solve practical problems more efficiently, the hospital has established a “care and care team for employees”, and the team adopts a “district contract” system. Working methods, dividing responsibilities into wards, departments, and teams, through the “Five Ones” heart-warming package of “one-day visit + a special line + a letter of condolence + a psychological lecture + a birthday party”, for the front line The workers send warmth and care. From life needs to psychological needs “full coverage”, we will do our best to solve problems for front-line workers and soothe the body and mind.

In order to alleviate the shortage of personnel caused by the pressure of epidemic prevention and control, the hospital reasonably allocates personnel, dispatches additional physicians to support fever clinics, and responds to vacancies in outpatient clinics and emergency rooms caused by closure and control management. Reasonable staffing of posts. In order to actively respond to the surge in demand for nucleic acid testing among citizens, the administrative party branch set up a volunteer service team for outpatient nucleic acid testing. A total of more than 70 administrative staff signed up. After pre-job training, they were divided into 2-4 shifts a day to provide patient guidance and medical assistance to alleviate the problem. Nucleic acid testing job pressure. At the same time, the hospital sorted out the situation of sick, pregnant and long-term employees, and effectively implemented job rotation.

Caption: The Municipal Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital supplies 7 municipal medical facilities The institution provides “Banqiao Fuzheng Mixture”

During the current round of epidemic in Shanghai, municipal hospitals are responsible for both epidemic prevention and control and medical treatment. In order to help the front-line medical staff to establish a preventive barrier for traditional Chinese medicine, Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital provided nearly 2,000 copies of the traditional Chinese medicine preparation “Banqiao Fuzheng Mixture” to the medical staff of 7 municipal medical institutions free of charge. “To the brothers and sisters who fight alongside the healthcare system.

Xinmin Evening News reporter Gao Yang correspondent Zhang Tingting