Vitiligo is high in spring, how to care for it

Spring is the season of high incidence of vitiligo, so it is necessary to do preventive work in advance, especially in daily living habits, maintain a good state and enhance resistance, which can effectively prevent the recurrence of vitiligo.

Vitiligo patients should smoke and drink less, eat less spicy food and taboo food, stop taking vitamin C drugs, go out more exercise, exercise properly, sleep regularly, Stay up late as much as possible to improve your immunity.

Vitiligo should also try to avoid sun exposure to reduce UV damage. Be sure to pay attention to your own psychology and have a correct understanding, otherwise anxiety will give vitiligo a chance to infest. You must know that vitiligo is related to mood swings, so maintaining an optimistic mood in life is the most important factor in preventing and treating diseases.

If you want to know more little knowledge about vitiligo, then follow me.
