Vitamin E cream, sulfur ointment, these two drugs have very different effects, and may be opposite!

When it comes to eczema, many people think of dryness. Actually, there are two types of eczema, the first type is the well-known wet eczema, and the second type is dry eczema.

We often recommend vitamin E cream and sulfur ointment to eczema customers, but many pharmacists don’t know the difference. Today, we will learn about the two types of eczema, and then master the correct use of these two medicines:


Dry eczema

more common in older adults and adults with dry skin

Generally, there is no obvious rash, except for peeling and scaling, there is no obvious specificity, and it may be accompanied by itching

Occurs in dry environments with dry skin and dry weather

Medication recommendation: Urea Vitamin E Cream

Indications: For chapped hands and feet. It can also be used for cracks caused by keratinizing tinea pedis.

Usage and Dosage: For external use, 2 to 3 times a day, apply directly to the affected area and rub.

Chemical composition: This product is a compound preparation, containing 150 mg of urea and 10 mg of vitamin E per gram.

Pharmacological effects: The urea contained in this product can dissolve and denature skin keratin, improve the hydration of the stratum corneum, thereby making the skin soft and preventing cracked. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that maintains normal muscle and nerve development and function.

Urea and vitamin E cream has the functions of maintaining skin stratum corneum moisture, anti-allergic, antipruritic, emollient, etc. It can be used for many skin problems of dry skin , such as dry and itchy skin in autumn and winter, dry and itchy skin in the elderly, chapped hands and feet, small dry skin papules or fine chaff-like scales, dry skin allergies, etc.

Medication expansion: This ointment can also be combined with oral moisturizing and antipruritic capsules, for better moisturizing and antipruritic effect.

Precautions for use: Occasionally seen skin with this product Irritation such as burning sensation, discomfort generally disappears quickly, you can continue to use.

If a prolonged allergic reaction occurs after use, such as rash, itching, etc., it is not advisable to continue to use this product.


Wet Eczema

  Infants and children

√  A pinpoint-sized rash on the epidermis occurs, and when the rash is severe, it may rupture and be accompanied by exudation

May be caused by environmental humidity, allergies, genetics, endocrine factors, etc.

Medication recommendations< /span>: Sulfur Ointment

Indications : For scabies, tinea capitis, acne, seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea, pityriasis simplex, chronic eczema.

Usage and Dosage: For external use, apply to the cleaned affected area 1-2 times a day. For scabies, apply the ointment to the whole body skin below the neck, especially the skin folds, once a night, 3 days as a course of treatment, change clothes, take a bath. Discontinue for 3 days if needed and repeat for a second course.

Chemical composition: This product contains 0.1 grams of sublimed sulfur per gram, and the auxiliary material is: Vaseline.

Pharmacological effects: This product has a killing effect on scabies, bacteria and fungi, and can remove oil and Softening the epidermis and dissolving keratin, its mechanism of action is the result of the formation of hydrogen sulfide and pentasulfuric acid after sulfur contacts with skin and tissue secretions.

Sulfur ointment contains sulfur, and sulfur is the main component of sulfur. The traditional Chinese medicine sulfur has the functions of detoxification, insecticidal, sore treatment, and yang laxative.< /strong>, external use is an insecticidal and antipruritic drug, and internal use is a yang-tonifying drug under the sub-category of tonic.

Medication expansion: In addition to common wet eczema and secretory skin problems, sulfur ointment can also be used for scabies, skin Skin problems caused by “bugs” such as fungal and mold infections.

The most common symptom of these skin problems is extreme itching, treatment of these skin problems can be combined with sulfur soap bathing and washing of intimate clothing and bedding .

Precautions for medication:

×< /span> This product should not be in contact with copper products to prevent deterioration.

× This product is combined with other acne medicines, desquamation medicines, cleansers , Retinoic acid, and other alcohol-containing preparations, can increase skin irritation and dry skin.

× Do not use with mercury (mercury)-containing preparations, otherwise it will perish and increase irritation.


Urea and vitamin E cream and sulfur ointment are two drugs with opposite effects. Both drugs are hormone- and antibiotic-free, but are used symptomatically to address dry and wet (exudative or secretory) skin problems.

(This article is for professional reference only)

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