Van crashed into Lamborghini was claimed 1.9 million! Owner: not approved

April 11,

“Van hits Lamborghini and claims 1.9 million”

‘s news aroused concern.

Jinbei van owner Mr. Liu

told reporters,

I do not recognize the amount of compensation,

“Lamborghini was parked in the middle lane of the road at that time,

did not place any Warning signs,

I don’t think it should be my full responsibility.

And they don’t repair cars in 4S shops,

The loss assessment given by my commercial insurance company

costs 870,000 yuan.”

Event sequence:

Van crashes into Lamborghini

Photo of the accident scene (provided by the interviewee)< /p>

At about 6:30 a.m. on February 27, 2020, Mr. Liu drove a Jinbei van to deliver goods and drove to Sihui Bridge, East Fourth Ring Middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing. , hit a black Lamborghini sports car parked in the middle of the road.

“I saw the car flashing double at the time, I thought the car was driving slowly, because there were no warning signs behind it, and I didn’t realize it until I was in front of me. The car was parked in the middle of the road.”

Mr. Liu told reporters that before the accident, his speed was more than 70 km/h and he was not speeding. When he found that the Lamborghini sports car was stationary The brakes were slammed in the middle of the road, but it was too late and the van slammed into the rear of the Lamborghini sports car.

“I hit my head at the time, and my whole body was dizzy. After the traffic police arrived, they decided that I was fully responsible for rear-end collisions. At that time, it was also because of the epidemic prevention and control, and I wanted to deal with it as soon as possible. I went through the simple procedure, and I went to the hospital after signing.”

According to the road traffic accident certificate issued by the Public Security Traffic Management Bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Jinbei The front of the car was in contact with the rear of the Lamborghini, and the front of the Lamborghini was in contact with the guard plate, causing damage to the contact part of the vehicle and damage to the guard plate. Due to the minor injuries of the injured party, all parties agreed to apply the simplified procedure.

Photos of the accident scene (provided by the interviewee)

The accident certificate shows that in the division of responsibilities, Mr. Liu has “Beijing Road Traffic” Article 9, Item 17 of the Provisions on the Handling of Accident Summary Procedures shall bear full responsibility for the faulty act of a motor vehicle colliding with the rear of a motor vehicle driving in the same lane ahead. If the party concerned has any objection to the determination of the traffic accident, he may file a written application for review within three days from the date of delivery of the road traffic accident determination letter, and the review of the same accident is limited to one time.

“At that time, he was parked on the expressway, and there was no warning sign.” Mr. Liu said that he went to the hospital because of the injury, thinking about the accident compensation, he could go Insurance, I didn’t expect the maintenance costs to be so much later, “I stayed in the hospital for a few days. After I was discharged from the hospital, I carefully looked at the accident certificate and found that the three-day review application time had passed. I went to the traffic police team, and the other party said that I had already Timeout, no further processing.”

Traffic accident certificate

Lamborghini drivers:

A warning sign is placed Hit by another car

I am not the owner

“After the tow truck pulled the car away, they called and said The 4S shop couldn’t repair this Lamborghini, so they took it to another repair shop.”

According to the statement provided by the auto service company, the vehicle model is “Lamborghini Huracan Huracan” 2014 5.2L 7-speed dual clutch”, the entry time is February 28, 2020, and the entry mileage is 10,000 kilometers. There are 12 maintenance items and 52 commodity lists displayed in the work order, and the total cost received is 1,888,745 yuan.

“I purchased commercial insurance with a maximum claim amount of only 1 million yuan, and the insurance company gave a loss assessment fee of 870,000 yuan, but the other party’s car owner does not agree, there is no An agreement was reached.”

Mr. Liu said that he did not agree with the subsequent repair amount given by the other party, and felt that the gap between the amount assessed by the insurance company was too large, “I will accept it. The amount ordered by the insurance company. You can’t just say how much money you want. I received their indictment on April 3 this year.”

Mr. Liu said that he had already Responding to the lawsuit, the lawyer is currently preparing materials for himself, “My lawyer thinks that there is an objection in the determination of responsibility, because his car was stationary at the time, and there was no warning sign behind it. After all, it was an expressway, and it was still a Going downhill, this cannot be my sole responsibility.”

The reporter then contacted Mr. Zhang, the driver of Lamborghini at the time, who said that he not only hit double flash, but also Warning signs are placed and everything follows normal parking procedures.

“I parked and put a warning sign in the back, but then a large car came and knocked the warning sign flying.”

Mr. Zhang said that because it was already dark and there were a lot of cars on the road, he didn’t put it back after the warning sign was knocked out, but the traffic police knew the process, so he was not responsible.

In addition, Mr. Zhang said that he was not the owner of the car because he did not participate in the follow-up repairs.

Lawyer for car owners:

It is more expensive to go to 4S shop for repairs

Data shows that the official guide price of Lamborghini Huracan is between 2.54 million and 3.9 million yuan. Depending on the optional configuration, the optional price will also be different.

For the repair price of about RMB 1.9 million, the owner’s attorney told reporters that if it is repaired through a 4S shop, the repair cost will be more expensive, and it will definitely exceed the current repair. price,

“You can ask, any 4S store will be more expensive than this. If the other party thinks that there is an objection to the accident, he can ask the traffic police.”

The lawyer said that the owner of the van had contacted Mr. Liu, the owner of the van, many times before, but the other party refused to pay compensation, so he went through legal proceedings.

(Hangzhou Traffic 918)

Source: Beiqing Network