Vaccination significantly reduces severe disease and mortality, and the fatality rate without booster injections is five times higher

Recently, local outbreaks caused by Omicron mutants have occurred in many provinces and cities, and the number of infected people is increasing. Do booster needles work? What’s the difference with a booster shot?

On March 12, Ning Qin, director of the National Medical Center for Major Public Health Events and Director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Tongji Hospital of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, said in an interview with Health Times that a domestic investigation was conducted against Omi Keron infection cases. The analysis confirmed that the fatality rate after contracting new coronary pneumonia in those who did not receive 2 doses of the vaccine was five times that of those who received 2 or more doses of the vaccine.

“This round of local epidemics is dominated by the Omicron variant.” Ning Qin introduced that Omicron’s outstanding features are that it is highly contagious, spreads extremely fast, and Has a very strong immune evasion ability, that is, two doses of vaccination are not enough to prevent infection by the Omicron variant.

Photo courtesy of respondents. (Data source: Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)

I still get infected after being vaccinated, does that mean the vaccine has lost its protective effect? Ning Qin said that is not the case. Statistics show that 85% of China’s population has been fully vaccinated, much higher than the 65% rate in the United States. Although vaccination is difficult to prevent infection with the Omicron variant, it can significantly reduce the severity and mortality after infection.

In addition, statistics from the US CDC also show that the death rate of new crowns in unvaccinated people is 14 times that of fully vaccinated people and 41 times that of booster vaccinated people. (Data source: )

Ning Qin emphasized that completing the second and booster vaccinations as soon as possible is an important means to protect yourself and your family. An important basis for the large-scale rebound of the epidemic.