Urticaria worsened by cold? It may be anger in the lungs! The two parties work together to restrain the liver and dissipate wind and drive away itching.

Urticaria, commonly known as “rubella block”, is a red or pale wheal on the skin, which is itchy and allergic skin disease that appears and disappears.” Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the cause of this disease is complex. , It is always caused by endowment intolerance, poisonous evil invasion. Or due to weak qi and blood, weak external defense, and attack of wind evil; or caused by internal injuries of the seven emotions, disharmony between the camp and the guard, etc.

In the process of clinical follow-up, flexibly differentiate syndromes to graspYang declines in the lower part, fire flourishes in the upper part, and qi The pathogenesis of Ni Yuzhong was treated with Wumei Pills in the treatment of urticaria.

Yang, male, 37 years old.

Patient Because the skin often develops wheals for more than one year, I have taken traditional Chinese medicine (specifically unknown) for one month, and the effect is not obvious. When the attack occurs, oral loratadine tablets are relieved after taking it.

Instant diagnosis: see large wheals on the front chest and back, accompanied by itching, intermittent onset and stop, fear of cold, exacerbation or recurrence after encountering wind and anger, sometimes excessive breath, insatiable appetite , thirst, fatigue, red and fat tongue, normal bowel movements, yellow and greasy fur on the base of the tongue, and floating pulse.

Syndrome Differentiation: Liver-fire invading the Lung Syndrome

Treatment: Astringing the liver and dispelling wind, clearing the upper part and warming the lower part .

The addition and subtraction of Wumei Wan and Yupingfeng Powder: Wumei, Huanglian, Phellodendron, Zhimu, Guizhi, Aconite, Dried Ginger, Sichuan Pepper, Angelica, White Fresh Skin, Kochia , Astragalus, fried Atractylodes, wind. Shuijianbi.

Second diagnosis: The pruritus was significantly improved after the drug, the recurrence frequency was reduced, the tongue was still fat, the tongue coating gradually receded, and the pulse was calmer than before. Add fried malt and chicken. A follow-up visit after January has recovered.


Synopsis of Jueyin chapter of “Treatise on Febrile Diseases”: “Jueyin is a disease, quenching thirst, qi rushing to the heart, Heart aches and heat, hunger does not want to eat, and when I eat, I vomit roundworms, and the benefits are endless.” The liver is the official of the general, its nature is stubborn and violent, bullying the weak and good at dealing with other viscera. According to the patient’s pulse, pathologically, due to the deficiency of fire in the kidney, it cannot warm the kidney water, the true yang in the kidney is less, and the evil fire is abundant On the upper side, it causes cold pain in the lower limbs, and symptoms such as heat in the upper jiao; The liver stagnation is not enough to disperse, and the qi goes against the middle, which affects the growth of yang qi, so that the yang qi cannot drive the blood to ascend. , causing symptoms such as chest tightness, chest paralysis, and excessive breath; Liver stagnation and spleen reversed, causing symptoms such as anorexia, belching, acid regurgitation, and painful diarrhea. Excessive growth of the liver is more abundant than that of the weak lungs, which leads to the symptoms of liver disease insulting the lungs, resulting in various skin diseases or symptoms such as choking, coughing, asthma, and so on.

Mainly use Wumei Pills with Rhizoma Coptidis to purify the heart and dry dampness, while Cortex Phellodendri nourishes the kidneys to clear the deficiency fire in the kidneys; Then the fire returns to some extent; nourishes the kidney and confines the wood, and the liver wind is restrained to consolidate its origin; the liver wants to disperse, and the asarum, dried ginger and pungent are scattered to restore the evacuation to normal. Elevates the stomach qi, and reconciles the middle energizer; and because the black plum acid is flat, enters the Jueyin liver meridian, and has the effect of acid astringent liver wind. , the wind disperses and belongs to the yang movement, so “acid to control the liver”, Yupingfeng is mainly used to treat the deficiency of Wei Qi and the inability to consolidate the appearance. If the principles of Wei Xuxu are not kept secret, it is easy to be attacked by wind evil. It is used to benefit Qi and consolidate the appearance, and it is the power of strengthening the righteousness and eliminating the evil spirits.

【Note】As the saying goes : Medicine can cure all diseases, but not a hundred people. Traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions need to be treated based on syndrome differentiation. Individuals should not blindly try prescriptions. Physicians and friends can learn to use them. Please correct me if there is any inadequacy.