Unstable sleep, difficult to fall asleep, old Chinese medicine teaches you the method of symptomatic conditioning

Recently, many fans have asked me, what’s the matter with insomnia and can’t sleep. Some friends can answer this question right away. Insomnia, can’t I just take sleeping pills?

This is the practice of modern medicine. As for traditional Chinese medicine, it is necessary to differentiate syndromes first.

There are many syndromes that cause insomnia, and the treatment methods are also very different according to the individual syndromes and symptoms.

Traditional Chinese medicine seeks out the root cause of the disease and the root cause of the disease. Therefore, in the treatment of insomnia, the first thing to understand is what the cause is and how to get it. , Prescribe the prescription according to the symptoms, and prescribe the right medicine, so that the effect is obvious.

1. Take liver stagnation and qi stagnation, which is a common cause of insomnia in life, as an example, as long as you are angry or anxious, you will not be able to sleep easily. Or there is a feeling of distention and pain in the lower abdomen, depression, easy anger, frequent sighing, or feeling something in the throat, or pressing the lower part of the flank, there is a lump and other symptoms.

This is because, the liver is in charge of emotions, if you encounter a troublesome thing, get angry and depressed there, it will affect the liver, The liver is in charge of dredging and venting, and is in charge of the whole body’s qi. This blockage makes the internal organs discord, so can you sleep?

At this time, one should soothe the liver and relieve stagnation, so that the qi machine can run smoothly, and the liver soothing and venting return to normal. reduce.

Xiaoyaosan: Free and easy, no worries, comfortable mood. medicines are enough.

2. Another common cause of insomnia is deficiency of both the heart and spleen.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that excessive thinking and overwork will damage the heart and spleen, resulting in deficiency of both the heart and spleen, and now life is so stressful, basically everyone is overthinking, Overwork is one of the common reasons for insomnia in life.

The spleen controls transportation and transformation, and is the source of qi and blood biochemistry. If the spleen is deficient, the qi and blood biochemistry has no source, and the blood does not nourish the heart, which will lead to uneasy mind, uneasy mind, you Can you still sleep?

The symptoms are as follows: upset and insomnia, palpitation, shortness of breath, slow response, physical fatigue, fatigue, not wanting to move, loss of appetite, abdominal distension, feeling more distended after eating , the stool is rotten, shapeless and so on.

In this case, the mind and spleen should be regulated. The most commonly used is the addition and subtraction of Guipi Decoction.

3, and also, overthinking, always holding things in mind, overusing the brain, unable to sleep, Chinese medicine says that this is called hurting blood, and everyone knows that the mind controls the gods , governs everything, for example, our thinking and consciousness, overuse of the brain, and the heart is filled with things every day, it will hurt the heart and blood, and the heart in charge of everything goes wrong, how can we fall asleep?

Not only could not sleep, but also accompanied by heart palpitations, wanted to lie down quietly and slowly, but no effect, and dizzy, face There is no luster, the blood on the lips is reduced, and it is particularly easy to be scared, forgetful, and forget where to put things as soon as they are put down.

What needs to be done in this situation is to nourish the heart and blood, and the most commonly used is the addition and subtraction of Tianwang Buxin Decoction.

4. There is also the insomnia caused by the incompatibility between the heart and the kidney. I have said many times before that the heart and the kidney are not in harmony. The fire of the five viscera, the kidney, is water. Under normal circumstances, the heart fire goes down and warms the kidney water together with the kidney yang, so that the kidney water does not become cold; the kidney water goes up to the heart yang, so that the heart fire does not become hyperactive.

We call this state of water and fire, balance of yin and yang, which is the guarantee for our normal life.

And once this balance is broken, there will be problems in the body. For example, if the kidney water is reduced, that is, the kidney yin is insufficient, and there is no way to relieve the heart fire. Heart fire will be more and more hyperactive, and symptoms such as irritable heat, night sweats, tinnitus, insomnia and dreaminess, dysfunction, and soreness of waist and knees will appear.

Because there is less water and lack of body fluid, the tongue is red and there is no water. In this case, it should nourish yin and reduce fire. Pay attention to nourishing yin and reducing fire here. fire, It is the nourishing yin in the state of less kidney water and hyperactive heart fire!

The most commonly used formula is Huanglian Ejiao soup. Coptidis can reduce heart fire, Ejiao can nourish kidney water, and chicken yellow can nourish yin and blood and clear away heat.

5. There is also a problem that many people will have – restless stomach.

This sentence means that if the stomach is uncomfortable, it will affect sleep. If the spleen is strong and weak, the stomach controls the acceptance, the stomach is strong, the more it receives, the more you eat, but your spleen is weak, the spleen controls the transport and transformation, the spleen is weak, the transport and transformation are out of balance, there is no way to transport and transform, and you cannot absorb and digest, what you eat.

Those things that cannot be digested will stagnate in the stomach, and this will cause an accident. Going down, the stomach qi will go up, and as soon as you lie down and sleep, the contents in the stomach will come back up, and it will also be accompanied by symptoms such as fullness in the chest, severing, acid reflux, nausea and vomiting. Can you still sleep?

The diet should be regular in the future, and don’t eat too much before going to bed. The most commonly used in this situation is pinellia glutinous rice soup.

In addition to the above reasons for insomnia, there are many other reasons for insomnia. Due to time constraints, I will share so much with you today. If you don’t understand anything, you can leave a message below. Discuss and I will reply one by one.

Finally, one more reminder! Diagnose before taking medicine! Find out about your own situation and then take medicine, but don’t you have insomnia because of the incompatibility of the heart and kidneys, there is no syndrome differentiation, and you have used the prescription of liver stagnation and qi stagnation! In addition, everyone must eat regularly, exercise properly, relax, and not stay up late, so as to live a healthy life! #zhengzhou headlines# #Super Health Group# #HealthDecryption# #I want to make a headline#