Understanding Early Symptoms to Prevent Glaucoma

News from our newspaper (Reporter Di Hui) Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world after cataract, and the leading cause of irreversible blindness. The ophthalmology experts of the Fourth Central Hospital of the city reminded that people at high risk of glaucoma should pay attention to the early symptoms and need to take precautions.

High-risk groups for glaucoma include: family history of glaucoma disease, parents with glaucoma, their children are twice as likely to develop glaucoma than normal people. A person diagnosed with glaucoma in one eye should be alert to the other eye. Patients with glaucoma-related diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, hypotension, cavernous sinus thrombosis, thyroid dysfunction, etc. Patients with other eye diseases related to glaucoma, such as high myopia, high hyperopia, cataract, eye trauma, eye inflammation, eye tumor, etc.

The five early symptoms of glaucoma are: Significant loss of vision. This is a very obvious symptom, and most people usually get glasses as a normal eye condition. However, after wearing corrective lenses, the feeling of eye soreness has not been relieved. Headache after drinking a lot of water. Glaucoma patients are prone to drinking water. If you have headaches and eye swelling within 15 to 30 minutes after drinking water, you must go to the hospital to check whether you have glaucoma. Many glaucoma patients will find that the root of the bridge of the nose is sore or the forehead is sore when they read and use their eyes in the morning. Blurred vision when emotional. When glaucoma patients are emotionally excited, the intraocular pressure will also increase and compress the optic nerve, resulting in sore eyes, blurred vision, and a white fog in front of them. Symptoms of rainbow vision appear. When you stare at a bright spot, a rainbow-like halo appears around you. This symptom is clinically called rainbow vision.

Source: Tonight Network