Understand these fitness common sense, avoid detours, fitness efficiency will be greatly improved

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Some people asked the editor: I have worked hard to exercise, why hasn’t my body changed much?

Some daily life details will also affect fitness efficiency, such as sleep schedule, diet, exercise frequency, and many aspects determine the development of the body.

If we want to improve the effect of fitness, we must master some basic fitness knowledge, reduce misunderstandings, customize a scientific fitness plan, and develop some good living habits in order to achieve better fitness. Quickly practice a satisfactory body line.

Understand these fitness common sense, your fitness efficiency will be greatly improved!

Common sense 1. Difference between muscle and fat

Muscle and fat They are two complete substances that cannot be converted into each other. Fat is made of triglycerides, and muscle is made of myofibrils. You can’t turn a stone into gold, and you can’t turn fat into muscle.

Muscles are energy-consuming tissues of the body. People with well-developed muscles will be heavier, but their bodies will be tight and the basal metabolic value of the body is relatively strong, so they can consume more energy every day. More calories, such a person is not easy to gain weight.

Therefore, the purpose of fitness is not to lose weight, but to reduce body fat rate and increase muscle size, so as to stay away from obesity and develop a good figure.

Therefore, when exercising, we should not only do aerobic exercise, but also need to add strength training to exercise muscles, improve muscle dimensions, and the body curve will look better after losing weight .

Common sense 2. When strength training, why can’t the target muscle group be exercised every day?

The stimulation of external force will tear the muscle fibers. After exercising, you will feel muscle soreness, and muscle growth and repair take time, generally need 2-3 days or so. If you exercise frequently, the muscle will be in a state of tearing and cannot be repaired, and the efficiency of muscle building will decrease.

Therefore, strength training requires a combination of work and rest, not overtraining. The body can be divided into major muscle groups, such as back muscles, arms, shoulders, thighs, buttocks, calves and other muscle groups.

If you are exercising every day, then you can arrange 2-3 different muscle groups to train in rotation every day. If you are 2-3 times a week, you can train the whole body muscle group together , and then rest for 2-3 days before starting the next round of stimulation, so as to improve the efficiency of muscle building.

Common sense 3. Be sure to drink plenty of water

Water is the carrier of life, and it is also an indispensable part of the body’s circulation and metabolism. For the missing substances, you must drink more water during exercise, which will help to discharge waste, accelerate the decomposition of fat, and promote muscle repair.

People who don’t drink enough water will also have a lower body metabolism level, and their fitness efficiency will also be affected. It is recommended to drink about 10 glasses of water every day, and master the correct method of drinking water, which can effectively suppress hunger, and you will find that the body fat rate decreases faster than others!

Common sense 4. The importance of sleep schedule

People spend 2/3 of the day sleeping If you stay up late to sleep, your body’s hormone secretion will be disordered, and lack of sleep will affect functional repair, your body will age faster, and your cortisol level will also increase. Improve, thereby improving fitness efficiency.

We must adjust our routine, go to bed early for a period of time regularly, ensure 8 hours of sleep every day, normal secretion of body hormones, more abundant mental state during the day, and fitness efficiency will also be greatly improved.