Two cerebral infarctions, one eats Angong Niuhuang Pill and the other dials 120. What is the difference?

The disease of cerebral infarction is not uncommon. It has acute onset and great harm. Whether the patient can save his life and how easy it is to recover after rescue depends on the treatment method of cerebral infarction at the onset of cerebral infarction. Therefore, for those patients with cerebral infarction, how to deal with them correctly is of great significance to ensure their quality of life in the future.

Today, let’s talk about why cerebral infarction occurs, how to deal with cerebral infarction patients reasonably, and for middle-aged and elderly friends How to prevent cerebral infarction.

1. Why does cerebral infarction occur?

In order to understand how to properly manage patients with cerebral infarction, we need to understand why cerebral infarction occurs. 58-year-old Uncle Wang and 67-year-old Aunt Zhang are both patients with cerebral infarction, but the reasons for their cerebral infarction are different.

Our brain is one of the most important organs in our body. Under its non-stop high-intensity work, various tissues and organs of our body, as well as various biochemical reactions in the body can proceed in an orderly manner and maintain our normal life activities.

In order to maintain the high-intensity brain work, our blood flows continuously to the brain through the carotid artery. These arterial blood are rich in nutrients and oxygen, ensuring the brain’s needs for oxygen and nutrients.

However, carotid arteries can become blocked for a variety of reasons. This blockage may prevent blood from flowing to the brain in a timely manner, and the brain remains in a state of hypoxia. Cerebral infarction occurs when this condition persists with fever and a large number of brain cells die, affecting the normal work of the brain. Therefore, cerebral infarction is also called ischemic stroke.

Uncle Wang is a food lover. His weight is seriously overweight. What’s more fatal is that Uncle Wang’s blood lipids have been in an abnormal state. After several previous physical examinations, Uncle Wang knew that the triglyceride and cholesterol levels in his blood were significantly higher than the standard, but since his body has not been very the same, Uncle Wang did not take this situation to heart.

However, high blood lipids lead to the deposition of a large amount of lipids in Uncle Wang’s blood vessels. These lipids deposited in the blood vessels are also called plaques. These plaques can grow larger over time, eventually causing the blood vessels to become blocked. Uncle Wang’s plaque just happened to grow on his carotid artery, which is also the reason for Uncle Wang’s cerebral infarction.

Not only can these plaques cause a stroke by blocking blood vessels, they have another way of causing a stroke. We know that our blood vessels will be impacted by the blood pumped from the heart. When this impact is too great, it is our common high blood pressure.

The impact of blood on the lumen of the blood vessel may cause the plaque on the lumen of the blood vessel to fall off or be broken, and these plaque fragments become thrombus. They will move in the lumen of the blood vessel with the flow of blood until they get stuck somewhere in the blood vessel, blocking the blood vessel and causing the blood to not flow normally, which is also one of the ways of cerebral infarction.

The reason for Aunt Zhang’s cerebral infarction is different from that of Uncle Wang. Aunt Zhang’s cerebral infarction was caused by a blood clot. Aunt Zhang pays more attention to her diet and does not have high blood lipids, but Aunt Zhang suffers from high blood pressure. Hypertension may not only lead to hemorrhagic stroke, but also lead to cerebral infarction.

High blood pressure can make the lumen of a patient’s blood vessels prone to breakage. These broken blood vessels release a large amount of clotting factors that cause platelets to clump together, preventing the patient’s blood vessels from breaking and bleeding.

However, for hypertensive patients, the content of coagulation factors in the lumen of blood vessels may be much different from that of ordinary people. ThisThis causes the platelets in the lumen of their blood vessels to aggregate in large quantities because of these coagulation factors. Instead of helping the patient’s blood clot, some of the aggregated platelets become thrombi and move through the lumen of the blood vessel. When these blood clots block the carotid artery, a cerebral infarction can follow.

Second, Angong Niuhuang Pill or direct 120, whose prognosis is better?

Uncle Wang and Aunt Zhang both suffered from cerebral infarction, but they received different treatment methods. Because there are certain signs before the onset of cerebral infarction, the relatives of the two people realized that the elderly may have a cerebral infarction, so they took very prompt treatment.

Uncle Wang’s wife immediately called 120 after seeing that Uncle Wang was exhausted and pale, and sent Uncle Wang to the hospital. In the hospital, based on the imaging examination, the doctor concluded that Uncle Wang had suffered an ischemic stroke, and immediately began to arrange thrombolysis.

The so-called thrombolytic treatment is the use of a specific thrombolytic agent to dissolve the blood-blocking substances in the blood vessels. Stroke causes more harm to patients.

Uncle Wang is out of danger after being treated with thrombolysis. Conservative treatment with infusion in the hospital. Because Uncle Wang was sent to the hospital in time, Uncle Wang’s blood vessels were dredged in time, and the brain was not in a state of hypoxia for too long. Therefore, Uncle Wang’s brain function was basically not damaged. After that, he was ready to be discharged from the hospital, and there were no sequelae.

But before he was discharged from the hospital, the doctor suggested that Uncle Wang undergo interventional surgery, because Uncle Wang’s carotid artery obstruction is too serious, and if he doesn’t pay attention, he may have a recurrence of cerebral infarction in the future. Thanks to the development of selected medical technology, placing a stent in the carotid artery will not cause any burden to Uncle Wang’s body.

After repeated consideration, Uncle Wang agreed to the operation. After timely and reasonable rescue and successful surgery, Uncle Wang is not only freed from the risk of cerebral infarction, but also healthier than before. The dizziness and headache that he used to have are gradually disappearing. .

After Aunt Zhang had a cerebral infarction, Aunt Zhang’s family members did not call 120 immediately, because they felt that Aunt Zhang’s symptoms did not appear to be serious, so they called Aunt Zhang. Taking the Chinese patent medicine for the treatment of cerebral infarction, Angong Niuhuang Pill.

The main ingredients of Angong Niuhuang Pills are bezoar, musk, borneol, turmeric and so on. This medicine has a wide range of uses. It can not only clear away heat and detoxify, but also activate blood and remove blood stasis, dredging the collaterals, and has a certain effect in the treatment of cerebral infarction.

However, after taking Angong Niuhuang Pills, Aunt Zhang’s symptoms were not effectively relieved. The family members realized the seriousness of the problem and immediately called 120 to take Aunt Zhang to the hospital for treatment.

But because she didn’t come to the hospital in time, Aunt Zhang had missed the window for thrombolysis, and Part of the brain tissue had been necrotic due to hypoxia, so the doctor could only tell Zhang Zhang. Aunt took conservative treatment of infusion.

After a week of infusion, Aunt Zhang was discharged from the hospital, but she developed a dysfunction of the unilateral limb, that is, hemiplegia. As soon as she got out of the hospital bed, Aunt Zhang immediately threw herself into the rehabilitation training.

After two years of arduous rehabilitation, Aunt Zhang’s limb function finally returned to normal. But compared to Uncle Wang, who also suffered from cerebral infarction, Uncle Wang returned to normal life in only two weeks, while Aunt Zhang took two years. Among them, in terms of treatment costs, Aunt Zhang’s expenses are several times that of Uncle Wang.

Actually, Chinese patent medicines like Angong Niuhuang Pills have the biggest feature of mild action and less side effects, so they are suitable for use in the stable period of the disease. For patients in the acute exacerbation stage of the disease, taking these Chinese patent medicines may not relieve the urgent need.

Two elderly people suffered a sudden cerebral infarctionDifferent emergency measures were taken, which also led to the difference in the time and money spent on rehabilitation between the two elderly people in the later period. So, after a cerebral infarction, timely and scientific treatment is really important.

In life, when encountering a patient with cerebral infarction, or a patient suspected of cerebral infarction, be sure to call 120 as soon as possible. Hospitals generally have a stroke center in the emergency center, where professional doctors can provide the most timely rescue to patients according to their conditions.

After cerebral infarction, the function of the brain will not be affected immediately, but as the carotid artery is blocked for a long time, a large number of brain cells will die, affecting the function of the brain. Thrombolytic therapy can dredge blood vessels in a timely manner before a large number of brain cells die, and protect the remaining brain cells of patients from being harmed by hypoxia. In the treatment of acute cerebral infarction, it is difficult to exert obvious effect in a limited time by taking medicine and other means.

Therefore, the most reasonable and scientific way to deal with patients with cerebral infarction is to call 120 immediately and explain to the doctor that the patient may have cerebral infarction. As long as they can be sent to the doctor in time for treatment, the quality of life and life safety of the patients can be guaranteed.

Third, how should middle-aged and elderly people prevent cerebral infarction?

Because the disease of cerebral infarction can be very violent, some patients cannot get reasonable rescue, and the disease of cerebral infarction is a typical “senile disease”, so for For middle-aged and elderly friends, the prevention of cerebral infarction is a more important thing.

We understand that the causes of cerebral infarction are often closely related to high blood pressure and high blood lipids. Preventing cerebral infarction is actually controlling one’s own high blood pressure. Vascular diseases such as blood lipids and hypertension.

The first step is to make some effort in your diet. Uncle Wang’s hyperlipidemia is closely related to his eating habits. In fact, most of the diseases of patients with hyperlipidemia are caused by unhealthy eating habits. Excessive intake of fat will lead to the accumulation of lipids in our body, which will eventually lead to increased blood lipids.

So in the daily diet, middle-aged and elderly friends must pay attention to avoid excessive consumption of those high-fat foods, such as white meat, fried products, dried fruits, etc. In this way, you can ensure that you will not have high blood lipids due to excessive fat intake.

Secondly, ensure a certain intensity of physical exercise. Rational physical exercise has two benefits for middle-aged and elderly friends. First, they can increase their metabolic capacity through a certain amount of physical exercise, and consume the excess lipids in the body through physical exercise; second, appropriate physical exercise can improve the working ability of their hearts, thereby keep them away from high blood pressure. The combination of the two is very helpful in preventing the onset of cerebral infarction.

Finally, be sure to visit the hospital at a certain frequency for medical check-ups. Diseases such as high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia can be found in the physical examination. As long as they are detected in time and controlled, they will not cause any serious consequences. In addition, for elderly friends who may have problems with blood vessels, ultrasound Doppler or angiography can be performed in the hospital to rule out problems such as plaque in the blood vessels.


The disease of cerebral infarction is very harmful, so the prevention of cerebral infarction and the timely treatment after cerebral infarction meaning is very important. In terms of preventing cerebral infarction, everyone must maintain good living habits, maintain active communication with doctors, and regularly go to the hospital for physical examination.

When encountering patients with cerebral infarction, you must not conduct unreasonable diagnosis and treatment on them privately. Professional doctors rescue them, so as to ensure their safety and health to the greatest extent.