Two cerebral infarction patients, one took Angong Niuhuang Pill, and the other dialed 120. What happened in the end?

Some time ago, Angong Niuhuang Pill, which was regarded as the first shop of the “Three Treasures of Febrile Diseases”, once again reported the price increase, which caused a lot of heated discussions.

According to a document printed with the words “Shanxi Guangyu Yuanguo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.”, due to the price of raw materials and product characteristics, it was decided to increase the price of Angong Niuhuang Pills . After the price adjustment, the price of Angong Niuhuang Pills is 5880 yuan/box (double natural iron box 3g/pill x 1 pill/box x 6 boxes), equivalent to 980 yuan/piece.

Many people regard Angong Niuhuang Pills as the “magic medicine” for stroke: taking Angong Niuhuang Pills regularly can prevent stroke; , can treat stroke…

Is the effect of Angong Niuhuang Pill really so “scent”? The answer may be different from what you think.

Two elderly people in their 60s who also suffered from stroke, one took Angong Niuhuang Pills, and the other immediately dialed 120, Their results were very different.

1. Is Angong Niuhuang Pill a magic medicine for apoplexy or a life-threatening poison?

In daily life, many people use Angong Niuhuang Pills for two main reasons. One is to take it regularly to prevent strokes; Therapeutic effect.

01. After taking Angong Niuhuang Pills, the condition worsened

65-year-old Uncle Zhang suddenly fainted at home. When he was found by his family, his right limb was paralyzed, his head was sweating profusely, and he was incontinent. The family suspected that it was a cerebral infarction, and hurriedly gave Uncle Zhang Angong Niuhuang Pills.

Unexpectedly,Uncle Zhang’s condition did not improve, but instead appeared in shock . In the end, he was rushed to the hospital. After rescue, Uncle Zhang saved his life.But he suffered the consequences of hemiplegia.

02, dial 120 immediately, back to normal

The 67-year-old Uncle Wang went to take a bath after dinner. Just as he was about to take off his clothes, he felt dizzy and fell to the ground.

After my daughter found out that something was abnormal,call 120 for emergency calls quickly, because I knew before After reading the relevant first aid knowledge, he unbuttoned Uncle Wang’s collar at the same time, kept his mouth clean, and then adjusted him to the side lying position until the ambulance arrived.

Soon, Uncle Wang was sent to the hospital for treatment. After diagnosis, Uncle Wang suffered from cerebral infarction.The doctor urgently arranged thrombolytic surgery. Due to the timely rescue, Uncle Wang finally retrieved it. a life. He also recovered well after the operation and was soon discharged from the hospital.

The strange thing is that Angong Niuhuang Pill can obviously treat stroke, but why did Mr. Zhang’s condition worsen?

Second, not everyone can eat Angong Niuhuang Pills

< span>Actually, although Angong Niuhuang Pill is good, it cannot be used for all diseases, and not everyone can eat it.

First of all, let’s take a look at the ingredients of Angong Niuhuang Pills. Angong Niuhuang Pill is mainly composed of bezoar, rhino horn, musk, cinnabar, pearl, realgar, turmeric, borneol, etc. It is regarded as the first of the “Three Treasures of Febrile Diseases” by traditional Chinese medicine. .

According to the 2018 “Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke in China”, Angong Niuhuang Pill belongs to the Class III recommendation for stroke first aid , which can be used to treat stroke.

However, it should be noted that Angong Niuhuang Pill is only suitable for stroke with Yang Shu syndrome and heat syndrome< /strong>. Avoid use if pale complexion, white and greasy tongue coating, profuse sweating, and cold extremities.

In addition, the drug of choice for stroke prevention is not Angong Niuhuang Pill. As mentioned earlier, Angong Niuhuang Pill is only a Class III recommendation for stroke first aid, and a Class C evidence.

The most important treatment method,is actually a class I recommendation, class A evidence of thrombolytic therapy, through intravenous administration of thrombolytic drugs to dissolve the thrombus, the blood vessels can be restored in time.

Therefore, in the event of a stroke, don’t take any medicine indiscriminately, call 120 as soon as possible, and take Angong Niuhuang Pill under the guidance of a doctor. It is not recommended to take it without authorization.

Also mentionWake up a little, Angong Niuhuang Pill is only suitable for emergency use, not every day, nor for a long time after a stroke.

Because of the strong medicinal properties of Angong Niuhuang Pills, can only be used for emergencies, long-term use will cause serious damage to vitality , not only does it not prevent stroke, but it can worsen the condition and even endanger life.

3. The more “Chen” Angong Niuhuang Pill is, the better? Big mistake!

“The longer you take Angong Niuhuang Pill, the better the effect.” I don’t know when this statement began to spread.

The price of a 1993 Angong Niuhuang Pill was fired to tens of thousands of yuan, and the Angong Niuhuang Pill in the 1960s, < span>It even sold for a sky-high price of 110,000 yuan.

So, the more “chen” Angong Niuhuang Pills are, the better?

Luo Hongfei, director of the Pharmacy Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said, The shelf life of Angong Niuhuang Pills on the market is generally 4- 5 years, due to the presence of volatile components such as borneol and musk, it is inevitable that the efficacy will decrease over time.

In addition, Jia Yuejin, the chief physician of the Affiliated Hospital of Shanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, also pointed out, Angong Niuhuang Pills beyond the shelf life are inferior medicines< /span>, you can’t take it anymore, it’s not “the longer the better” as the rumors say.

Finally, it should be emphasized that 80% of strokes are preventable , In particular, avoid bad habits such as smoking, alcoholism, obesity, and too little exercise, and at the same time control chronic diseases and regular physical examinations, you can distance yourself from stroke.

And you must not blindly eat Angong Niuhuang Pills, let alone eat them as health care products .

On the one hand, Angong Niuhuang Pill is a prescription drug and contains toxicity.It is best to take it under the guidance of a doctor< /strong>, do not take it privately.

On the other hand,Angong Niuhuang Pill is an emergency medicine and does not prevent strokes, In addition, for patients with acute cerebral apoplexy, because they are in a coma, taking Angong Niuhuang Pills is likely to cause aspiration pneumonia, which is not worth the gain.

As the saying goes, words can be said nonsense, but medicine can’t be taken indiscriminately. Whether it is Angong Niuhuang Pills, or other medicines, we cannot rely on them to prevent disease. The real way to prevent disease is to develop a healthy lifestyle.


[1]”About “cerebral infarction”, knowing these can save lives! “. Center for Drug Evaluation. 2020-03-14

[2] “A medicine is 860 yuan! Is Angong Niuhuang Pill really a “magic medicine”? “. Health Times. 2021-12-09

[3]” “Angong Niuhuang Pill” is really a stroke emergency medicine? 》.Medical Neurology Channel.2020-07-08

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