Tuanbao Zhusha Primary School held a special lecture on girls’ health knowledge

News from this website (correspondent Wu Xiufang) In order to help girls master adolescent health knowledge and improve their awareness and ability of self-protection. On the morning of April 27, Zhusha Minority Primary School in Tuanbao Town, Lichuan City held a special lecture on “Being a sunny, confident and positive girl” for girls in grades 5 and 6.

The content of the lecture is divided into four parts. In the first part, the mental health instructor explained the characteristics of puberty development starting from the physical changes of girls. In the second Q&A session, the teacher explained the methods of self-protection and prevention of infringement for the girls with vivid examples. In the third session, the student representative spoke, advocating that all girls be “sunshine, confident and positive” girls. The fourth link is teacher-student interaction, student-student interaction, children speak freely in the interaction, and teachers patiently answer students’ doubts.

Through this activity, it will help girls understand themselves correctly, accept their own changes and growth, cultivate good living habits, and establish a correct outlook on life and values.