[Traditional Chinese Medicine Knowledge Lecture Hall] The Four Diagnoses of Traditional Chinese Medicine – Inspection of the head, hair and eyes

Hair growth status and fontanelle changes to diagnose the condition.

Head look

Head shape:

span>Abnormal size and deformity of the head shape are more common in infants and young children in the period of cranial development, and can become typical signs of disease. Skull size is primarily measured by head circumference. Newborn head circumferenceusually 34 cm, about 42 cm at 6 months, It is about 45 cm at the age of 1, about 47 cm at the age of 2, and about 48.5 cm at the age of 3. Obviously beyond this range, the head shape is too large, otherwise the head shape is too small. In children, the skull is evenly enlarged, the cranial sutures are cracked, and the scalp veins are thickened. If you tap the head with your fingers, you can hear a sound similar to knocking on a jar. It is often accompanied by a small face and mental retardation. Most of the intracranial water stops gathering; , the top of the head is raised, the cranial sutures are prematurely closed, the skull is scaphoid, olive-shaped and other abnormal shapes, and it is often accompanied by mental retardation, mostly due to insufficient kidney essence and cranial dysplasia; children with prominent left and right forehead, The top of the head is flat and the skull is square. It is also a manifestation of insufficient kidney essence or weak spleen and stomach, and skull dysplasia.

fontanelles cranial joints The bone gap formed by not tightening is divided into anterior fontanelle and posterior fontanelle. The posterior fontanelle is triangular in shape and closes at 2-4 months after birth; the anterior fontanelle is rhombus-shaped and closes around 12-18 months after birth. It is the main site of clinical observation. The bulge of the fontanelle, also known as the fontanelle filling, is mostly empirical. Mostly due to febrile diseases attacking fire evil, or brain and spinal cord diseases, or intracranial fluid stop gathering. However, temporary bulging of the fontanelle when a child cries is normal. The fontanelle depression, also known as the fontanelle depression, is mostly a deficiency syndrome.It can be seen in vomiting and diarrhea, insufficiency of qi and blood and children with congenital deficiency of essence and qi and depletion of the brain. It should also be noted here that it is normal for infants within 6 months of age to slightly sink their fontanelles. It is a manifestation of insufficient kidney qi and dysplasia. More common in children with rickets, often accompanied by “five softness” (soft head, soft neck, soft limbs, soft muscles, soft mouth), “five delays” ( Symptoms such as delayed standing, delayed walking, delayed teeth, and delayed speech. Regardless of adults or children, if the patient’s head cannot be shaken independently, it is mostly a harbinger of internal movement of the liver wind.

look at

The relationship between hair growth and the rise and fall of kidney qi, essence and blood Therefore, Wangfa can diagnose the strength of kidney qi and the rise and fall of essence and blood. A normal person’s hair is dark and luscious, which is a sign of the abundance of kidney qi and blood. If the hair is thin and sparse, dry and dull, and the hair is easy to fall off, it is mostly caused by deficiency of kidney qi and insufficient blood; >It is called “alopecia areata”, commonly known as “ghost shaving”, which is usually caused by blood deficiency and wind, and may also be caused by mental factors. Young and middle-aged people with sparse hair or premature graying, with family history but no other symptoms, are generally not considered morbid; if accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, forgetfulness, and weak waist and knees, it is mostly caused by kidney deficiency. Accompanied by symptoms such as palpitations, insomnia, forgetfulness, etc., mostly caused by fatigue and injury to blood; There are symptoms such as itchy scalp, scaling, and fat, mostly caused by blood heat and dryness; children The hair is sparse, yellow and soft, growth retardation, and even no hair growth for a long time, mostly caused by congenital deficiency and loss of kidney essence.

Eyes are internal organs In the external mirror, the essence of the five zang-organs and six fu-organs is focused on the eyes, so the eyes and the five zang-organs and six fu-organs are connected. The ancients divided different parts of the purpose into the five internal organs. The whole eye, the inner and outer corners belong to the heart and is called the “blood wheel”; the white eye belongs to the lung, called the “air wheel”; the black eye belongs to the liver, called the “wind wheel”; the pupil belongs to the kidney, called the “water wheel”: the eyelids It belongs to the spleen and is called the “meat wheel”, and it is believed that the corresponding visceral diseases can be diagnosed according to the changes of the five wheels. This is the “five wheel” theory.

look at the eyes

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Those who have bright eyes, flexible gaze, and clear vision are all concrete manifestations of vision, Indicates that the viscera is full of energy, vigorous, healthy, or even if the disease is mild and the prognosis is good. The sunlight is dull and dull, or the light is exposed, the expectation is slow, and the vision is dim. This shows that the viscera and viscera are deficient in essence and qi, and the righteous qi is deficient. Most of them are serious diseases, which are difficult to cure and have poor prognosis.

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Redness in the corners of the eyes, mostly hearts Fire; redness of the white eye, called lung fire or exogenous wind heat;the entire eye Redness and swelling, mostly wind-heat in the liver channel; eye cells are red, swollen and swollen, mostly Spleen fire. In addition, yellow eyes are a sign of jaundice; /span>Blood DeficiencySigns; eye cells are dark and dark, mostly kidney deficiency, water-cold excess ‘s sign.

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cell edema, which is a common manifestation of edema, mostly Spleen deficiency and dampness; The sunken eye socket is a sign of injuring the body fluid and depleting the essence and qi of the five internal organs. This indicates a serious and incurable condition. Protrusion of the eyes, accompanied by slight swelling of the front of the neck, mostly gall disease; wheezing and protruding eyes, mostly Lung bloating.

Watch dynamic

refers to observing the movement of the eyes .The black eye is slanted to one side, and the horizontal eye is squinting. It belongs to the liver wind inward movement; >Depletion of yin and blood or phlegm obsessing the heart; Also seen inpoisoning;mydriasis, mostly in the kidneysrenal Depletion of sperm is a sign of critical illness.If one pupil is gradually dilated, it can be seen in patients with stroke or traumatic brain injury; if both pupils are completely dilated, it is clinical death One of the signs.



Review of the past:

【Traditional Chinese Medicine Knowledge Lecture Hall】Traditional Chinese Medicine Four Clinics—Physique and Hope Attitude

【Traditional Chinese Medicine Knowledge Lecture Hall】Four Diagnoses of Traditional Chinese Medicine – Looking at the Spirit and Looking at the Diagnosis

【Traditional Chinese Medicine Knowledge Lecture Hall】Several Common Pathogenic Factors (2)< /p>

This article is excerpted from: “Traditional Chinese Medicine and TCM Basics”

Editor: Liu Di

Picture from: Bing images< /p>

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