[Traditional Chinese Medicine Knowledge Lecture Hall] The Four Diagnoses of Traditional Chinese Medicine – Inspection of the ears and nose


Ear changes to detect disease. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the ear is the path of the kidney, and is “where the veins gather” In the place of , all the organs and parts of the human body have concentrated reaction points in the ear. Therefore,Auricular inspection can diagnose kidney and systemic diseases, and ear inspection is mainly to observe the color of the ear , morphological and ear canal changes.

1. Look at the color

normally, the ear The skin is ruddy in color, which is a sign of sufficient qi and blood. Auriclespale white and bloodless, mostly due to deficiency of qi and blood, feeling wind-cold, or Cold pathogens injure the internal organs, mainly in anemia, blood loss and chronic wasting diseases; Auricular color is bright red or dark red, and accompanied by swelling and pain, Mainly due to liver and gallbladder damp-heat or heat toxin attacking; Auricular color is blue and black, mostly occurs in chronic illness with blood stasis or On patients with severe pain; auricular aura is dry and black, indicating kidney water deficiency;ear The yellow color of Guo is obvious, indicating that the spleen is deficient and damp;

2. View form =”text”>3. Look into the ear canal

in the ear Pus discharge, also known as “pus ear”, or swelling and pain in the ear canal, accompanied by pain from pulling the auricle, is a furuncle of the ear canal. Both are caused by accumulation of damp-heat in the liver and gallbladder. If the disease is longer and does not heal over time, it is mostly due to deficiency of kidney yin, deficiency of fire and inflammation.

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< strong>The lung qi flows through the nose, the nose is the channel of breathing, and the stomach meridian of Foot Yangming is distributed beside the nose, so looking at the nose can detect the pathological changes of the lungs, spleen and stomach. Nose inspection is mainly to observe the changes of nose color, shape and secretion.

1. Look color

p>A normal person’s skin color is faint red and yellow, bright and subtle, and the nose should also be like this, which indicates that the spleen and stomach qi are sufficient, and the lung qi should be open. Blue nose, deficiency cold or abdominal pain, mostly due to cold blood stagnation;Yellow nose,mostly with damp heat;white nose,< span>It is more common in patients with acute hemorrhage, depletion of blood, or insufficiency of both qi and blood; Fever, or allergic skin on the nose; black nose, mostly due to kidney yang deficiency, cold water stops within:The nostrils are dry and black like smoke, mostly due to high fever for a long time and heat poisoning.

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Red pimples on the tip of the nose or the wings of the nose, also known as “rosacea”, mostly due to damp-heat in the lungs, spleen and stomach, and heat entering the blood ;The nose is red, swollen and sore, mostly due to accumulation of heat in the lungs and stomach or blood heat;nasal column ulcer Trapped, more common in syphilis, leprosy; The manifestations of qi loss and difficulty breathing are more common in heat pathogens accumulating in the lungs, asthma, asthma, diphtheria, and the desire to release the yang of the heart. If it is a chronic and severe illness, the nose flaring, is a sign of death, and it is a critical syndrome.

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Runny nose, mostly due to exogenous cold; If it is sneezing, it may be rhinitis. Western medicine calls it allergic rhinitis or allergic rhinitis, which is mostly caused by the deficiency of the lung and the deficiency of the defense surface and the invasion of wind and cold;Runny nose, mostly due to exogenous wind-heat; if the nose runs pus and snot for a long time, the snot that flows out even has a fishy smell, which is called Biyuan, and Western medicine calls it sinus It is caused by exogenous wind-heat or gallbladder meridian accumulating heat in the nose; the snot and yellow quality are less viscous,or occasionally bloodshot , called epistaxis, is mostly caused by the accumulation of heat in the lungs, stomach, and liver, and the dry heat burns the nasal collaterals.

Review of past issues:

[Traditional Chinese Medicine Knowledge Lecture Hall] The Four Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine—The Look of the Observation Clinic Hefa and Wangmu

【Traditional Chinese Medicine Knowledge Lecture Hall】Traditional Chinese Medicine Four Diagnoses – Inspection of Body and Outlook Wangshen and Wangse

This article is excerpted from: “Traditional Chinese Medicine Introduction to Chinese Medicine”

Editor: Liu Di

Picture from: Bing images

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