Traditional Chinese medicine “going overseas”! The export of traditional Chinese medicine services of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine increased by 22.9% year-on-year

Photo, text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Sun Qiman

Intern Yan Siyun

On March 23, the Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government Information Office held a Guangzhou Municipal Service Trade Press conference on the effectiveness of export base construction. At the meeting, Jiang Sichuan, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, pointed out that the amount of foreign service trade of traditional Chinese medicine in Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2021 will be about 30 million yuan, an increase of 22.9% compared to 2020.

Build a brand of traditional Chinese medicine culture to promote overseas dissemination

“Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has always adhered to the connotation construction of the characteristics and advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, It will lay a solid foundation for expanding the export of traditional Chinese medicine services.” Jiang Sichuan said.

According to Jiang Sichuan, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has gradually become the distribution center of traditional Chinese medicine therapy in the country since it was included in the country’s first batch of Chinese medicine service export bases in 2019. At present, the hospital has set up the first “traditional therapy center”; it has held 13 “Xinglin Treasure Hunt” activities with CCTV, and sorted out more than 380 special techniques of traditional Chinese medicine across the country. In 2021, the hospital will be one of the first to be included in the “Tutoring” category of national medical center establishment units of traditional Chinese medicine, and will be selected as a national regional medical center construction output hospital; it has been ranked first in the “Top 100 Competitiveness of Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospitals” for 8 consecutive years.

In addition, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine signed a cooperation agreement with Guangzhou WeDoctor Internet Hospital, relying on the Internet hospital platform to create an Internet medical consortium, opening up “online + offline” and “in-hospital + out-of-hospital” Chinese medicine services. The characteristic closed-loop full-process service has innovated the diagnosis and treatment mode and service process, laying a solid foundation for promoting the development of overseas Internet medical treatment mode.

The scientific research cooperation of traditional Chinese medicine also drives the sustainable development of traditional Chinese medicine service trade. Since 2020, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has cooperated with 35 scientific research projects; applied for 4 international patents; published 24 English monographs of “Evidence-Based Clinical Chinese Medicine” by World Science and Technology Press; “was officially included in the National Clinical Practice Guidelines Library.

Cultivation of TCM talents with an international perspective

What is the next focus of the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of TCM? In this regard, Jiang Sichuan said that it is necessary to rely on the cohesion of medical centers, regional diagnosis and treatment centers, and distribution centers of traditional Chinese medicine characteristics in the country, explore, inherit and innovate the essence of traditional Chinese medicine, and cultivate talents with international perspectives in all directions and at multiple levels.

In 2021, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine counted 759 people from overseas who came to the hospital for further study and study, and 18,000 people from abroad came to the hospital for medical treatment, a sharp increase from the previous year.