Traditional Chinese Medicine – Daguyang Decoction


One or two of aconite (cannon, cut into eight pieces) , Atractylodes, dried ginger each half two, woody one point.

Usage and Dosage

Ancient usage : Shang file powder, 2 bowls of water, fry until 8 minutes, remove the scum, put it in cold and pour it into one serving after a while.


Return to Yangjiu inverse.


Deprivation of Yang Syndrome . Or due to vomiting and diarrhea, the limbs are cold, the vitality is not connected, and the person is unconscious; or the new typhoid fever is in the room by mistake, the lower abdomen is tight, the outer kidney is shrunk, the face is dark, and the cold sweats spontaneously.

Party meaning

This square It is mainly used to treat the deficiency of yang in the body, which is due to vomiting and drooping, the death of yang and the desire to get rid of yang, and the deficiency of yang caused by the insufficiency of kidney qi. Governance is appropriate to return to Yang to save the iniquity. In the prescription, Fuzi, which is Daxin and Dare, travels through the twelve meridians, and has a strong power of warming yang and dispelling cold. Intestines, the two together serve as assistants. Combination of various medicines can restore yang and suppress yin, invigorate qi and detoxify, regulate qi machine, and eliminate various symptoms.


The main It is the recovery of Yang to save the iniquity, and it is suitable for the evidence of yang collapse. It is similar to modern shock, and it is the first aid method.