Touching high and jumping 600 times a day, a 12-year-old boy thought it was “growing pains” with leg pain, and a paper reported that his mother panicked…

Most people experience “growing pains” during adolescence, dull pains in the knees and legs, especially at night. Sometimes this kind of pain can give people a feeling of “pain and happiness”, after all, it is a feeling of growing taller. A 12-year-old boy, Lin Lin (pseudonym), suffered from knee pain for a month. It was not until he recently visited a doctor that he realized that the pain that tormented him was not growth pain at all. Mom regrets reading a report…

500 strokes a day

The knee hurts so much that I can’t squat

12-year-old boy Lin Lin is in the sixth grade of elementary school this year and is 148cm tall about. Seeing that they are entering puberty, parents who have always been Buddhists suddenly become anxious: After all, they are still boys, what if they don’t grow taller?

For this reason, Lin Lin’s mother searches the Internet for various ways to grow taller. After she saw the online saying that “touching the height and jumping” has the most obvious effect on growing taller, she immediately went to the Internet to buy the “touching the height artifact”. This kind of height touch artifact is attached to a certain height, allowing the child to jump and slap, and it will make a sound during the slap. Lin Lin’s mother stipulates that he must touch 600 heights every day. Moreover, in order to ensure the effect of the height touch, my mother specially installed the touch height artifact on the limit height that Lin Lin can jump to, and there are not many of them. Lin Lin insisted on dancing for more than half a month, and found that her knees always hurt. Lin Lin’s mother heard that “growing pains” occur when she grows fast, and she secretly rejoiced, thinking that this is the effect! Let Lin Lin stick to it no matter what. Gradually, not only did the pain in Lin Lin’s right joint worsen, but he couldn’t even squat down. Especially after exercising, his knee became unbearable. Later, he couldn’t even run normally in gym class. At this time, Lin Lin’s mother felt that something was wrong, and took Lin Lin to the Orthopedics Department of the First People’s Hospital of Hangzhou to find the chief physician Li Maoqiang.

Thought “growing pains”

It was actually epiphysitis

Deputy director of orthopedics, chief physician Li Maoqiang, after a physical examination , found that Lin Lin’s knee was slightly swollen, and the right knee joint had difficulty flexing. Post X-ray of the knee shows: Epiphyseal shadow of the right and left tibial tuberosities. Combined with Lin Lin’s exercise history and symptoms, the diagnosis was “tibial tuberosity epiphysis”.

Director Li Maoqiang said that although the tibial tubercle epiphysis has the word “inflammation”, it is not a bacterial infection, but an epiphysis. aseptic inflammatory response. This disease generally occurs in adolescent boys aged 11-15 years, especially boys who like sports, and generally have a history of strenuous exercise or trauma. This is because adolescents are still in the growth phase, and the cartilage tissue at the tibial tubercle has not yet matured. If the knee joint movement exceeds a certain limit, the tibial tubercle will not have mature ossified cartilage tissue through repeated traction by the tendon and ligament. Or local injury, the cartilage of the tibial tubercle can be partially avulsed, causing insufficient blood supply, and then causing local tissue non-bacterial inflammation and swelling, and knee pain occurs. Combining with Lin Lin’s previous exercise history, Director Li roughly judged that his “tibial tuberosity epiphysis” was related to a sudden and large amount of vigorous exercise. Fortunately, this disease is self-limiting, as long as the bones are fully developed and the epiphysis and tibia are fused together, the symptoms of epiphysis will disappear naturally. Like Lin Lin, who is still in the period of pain, it is necessary to limit the activities of the knee joint, avoid running, jumping, jumping, etc., and relieve the symptoms by using anti-inflammatory analgesics. The mother who accompanied Lin Lin to see a doctor was speechless and regretted: “I think about exercising to grow taller, but now I can’t move.

Lots of leg pain “growing pains”

Don’t take the blame

Many parents know that heredity accounts for most of the child’s height, and the rest depends on acquired efforts.< /span>Some parents go too far to increase the amount of exercise in order to make their children grow taller.Director Li Maoqiang said that he has encountered many similar sports injuries in young people clinically.< span>Some children suffered from calcaneal epiphysis due to sudden heavy running;some children suffered sports injuries due to skipping rope. Excessive exercise and unscientific training methods not only failed, It’s backfired.Many parents attribute leg pains to “growing pains”. In fact, “growing pains” often cover up some diseases and even delay treatment.< /span> “Growing pains actually have very obvious characteristics. Generally, the pain is good to attack upwards, and it is concentrated in the knee joint and the front of the calf. There is no local redness and tenderness, and does not affect movement. Director Li Maoqiang said that growing pains are physiological and self-limiting benign pains that do not affect children’s health. The manifestations of “growing pains” vary greatly from individual to individual. Some children occasionally occur once or twice, while others will recur and persist. It can occur on the ground for several months or even years.Unlike growing pains, a distinct feature of epiphysitis is marked tenderness and a prominent protrusion below the knee joint, which is aggravated by activity , such as when running or squatting, the pain is significantly increased. If this occurs, seek medical attention as soon as possible.