Touch the spring equinox here to see if your meridians are blocked!

Qi and blood are like rivers, constantly circulating in the body, bringing nutrients to all parts of the body and taking away garbage, ensuring that organs and tissues will not experience various problems due to starvation or excessive accumulation of metabolic garbage. .

So a healthy body needs sufficient qi and blood to prevent the body from starving, and also needs unobstructed qi and blood. Come for nutrition and take away the garbage.

Meridians are the channels through which qi and blood run. Are your meridians blocked? Is the blood flowing?

Feel here on the vernal equinox to see if your meridians are blocked

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the body is divided into yin and yang, the abdomen is yin, and the back is yang. In winter, when Yin is prosperous and Yang is declining, the temperature of the back of the body is low, and the temperature of the abdomen is also cold. After the arrival of spring, the yang qi grows, the back gradually becomes hot, and the yang qi spreads to the abdomen.

In the days around the vernal equinox, we can touch the body temperature with our hands. A healthy person should have a warmer back and a cooler abdomen in spring.

Unhealthy people, there will be two situations:

The back is still cold to the touch in spring, which is a manifestation of insufficient yang.

Sunbathing on the back

There is a meridian on the back that cannot be ignored—the Governor Vessel. It is known as the “sea of ​​yang veins”, and the governor is full of yang energy. When the back is warm and comfortable, the body’s yang energy will be sufficient.

There is no low temperature in the abdomen, the whole body is prone to dryness and heat, and the yang qi grows too much

massage the abdomen

The specific method is: lie on the bed, center on the navel, rotate the palm of the hand clockwise on the belly, massage 200 times or so.

Firstly, it is beneficial to promote digestion and eliminate dampness in the spleen and stomach; secondly, it helps keep the abdomen warm and improves sleep quality.

The dividing line between the front and rear of the body, on both sides of the body, where the gallbladder meridian runs, just happens to divide Yin and Yang into two. The imbalance of Yin and Yang in the body is due to the problem of the gallbladder meridian at its intersections and nodes. For example: bitter mouth, easy greasy skin and hair, dull pain in the ribs, etc., these are the manifestations of the gallbladder meridian blocked. If you are not very sensitive to the sense of temperature, you can also judge according to your own physical symptoms.

Do you have these symptoms of gallbladder meridian obstruction?

“The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” says: “The eleven viscera all depend on the gallbladder.” It is conceivable how important the gallbladder meridian is.

The gallbladder meridian, distributed on the side of our head and body, is like the rotating shaft in charge of the opening and closing of the door, and regulates the movement of qi and blood.

When the gallbladder meridian is blocked, there will be problems with qi and blood, which will further affect various organs and cause discomfort:

< p>The liver and gallbladder are the inside and outside of each other, and the gallbladder meridian is blocked, so it has a great relationship with the liver:

Dredging the gallbladder meridian The quick method

Recommend two very useful methods to clear the gallbladder meridian:

1. >It is recommended to tap the outer part of the thigh that is the most convenient and smooth, starting from the crotch, along the line in the middle of the trousers, all the way to the side of the knee, mainly for ring dance, Fengshi, Zhongdu, and knee Yangguan. Acupuncture points should be tapped on both sides of the thigh, 5-10 minutes on each side, and both sides can be tapped together.

Strength: When knocking on the Gallbladder Meridian, relax the whole body, especially the thigh. You can knock with your fist. Internal force rather than brute force. Tap at a rhythm of about two beats per second.

If you feel cold, hot, sour, numb, or painful when you tap, it means that you have tapped the meridian correctly, and secondly that your gallbladder meridian is not smooth, you can continue tapping; there may also be a process of tapping There are hiccups, farts, and the sound of running water in the abdomen. These are some effective responses to dredge the gallbladder meridian, so don’t worry.

Some people knock on the Gallbladder Meridian, and the effect is very good at first. However, some people reported that after knocking for a long time, they became irritable, especially at night, and they did not sleep well.

This is a good phenomenon of activation of qi and blood, but because the gallbladder meridian has not yet passed through, qi rushes upward. In response to this situation, we can use the scraping board to move Yanglingquan until the feeling of the whole calf can be conveyed to the sole of the foot, so that the turbid qi in the liver and gallbladder can find an outlet and enter the stomach.

Outside of the calf, in the depression in front of and under the head of the fibula↑

If you feel bloated at this time, then Just push down from the heart and push the stomach to let it go out. Hiccups and farts are all good signs. Finally, push the Taichong between the lines to vent the anger, sleep will be better, and your temper will be much gentler.

You can also drink bergamot, citron, malt, and hawthorn in water. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it can clear the blood, help digestion, and help the gallbladder and stomach to decrease. Friends who have poor sleep and are prone to getting angry can add Some longan and sour jujube seeds.

2. Soaking feet

Soaking feet is the easiest, most comfortable, and the best way to stick to it. Before washing every day, boil it with an appropriate amount of water and turn it to a small size. Boil for 10 minutes or soak in boiling water for a while. During this period, you can wash your face, prepare for bed, and wait for the water temperature to be almost ready.

Relax your body and mind while soaking, don’t think about those messy troubles, soak quietly for about 20 minutes, add some boiling water when the water is cold, keep the water warm, and soak your body until you sweat slightly , the whole body will be very transparent, and after a period of time, the body will also feel relaxed.

Add it to the feet before going to bed

Better sleep aid effect

Go to sleep comfortably after soaking. I promise that you will fall in love with it after soaking for a few days. If you soak your feet frequently, your liver, gallbladder, spleen and stomach will get better!

Source: Make an appointment with a famous doctor