Toona sinensis contains nitrite, a carcinogen. Will eating too much cause cancer? If you don’t dare to eat toon, take a look

Spring is here, have you eaten toon?

Toona sinensis has high nutritional value and is rich in vitamins B, C and beta carotene, among which the content of vitamin B group is among the top vegetables. In addition, the content of magnesium, potassium, calcium and other minerals in toon is not low.

According to research, toona sinensis also has the functions of anti-oxidation, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, protecting blood vessels and preventing chronic diseases.

Although toon is delicious, there has been a rumor that “toon will cause cancer if eaten too much” The statement has made many people who love toon uneasy. But in fact, there have been many incidents of “eating toon poisoning” before:

  • 75-year-old Mr. Yu ate half a plate of fried toon in one go at dinner. Egg. But before going to bed, he suddenly shivered, had chills, and also vomited and had diarrhea. After being rushed to the hospital, he was rushed to the hospital.Diagnosed as food poisoning and multiple organ failures such as liver and kidneys< /strong>, he was transferred to the ICU after first aid.
  • 32-year-old Mr. Xu saw the toon is very fresh when he was visiting the vegetable market, so he bought it home and made a plate of scrambled eggs with toon for himself. He didn’t expect to fall asleep after lunch. After taking a nap, he suddenly felt numbness on half of his tongue, and he felt nauseated and wanted to vomit, so he went to the hospital for medical treatment.After examination, he was diagnosed with food poisoning .

Does eating toon really cause cancer? Let’s look at an experiment first.

I. Toona sinensis contains nitrite. Will eating too much cause cancer?

Toona sinensis does contain a certain amount of nitrite, but it does not mean that it will cause cancer.

Nitrates and nitrites are widely found in soil and water in nature, and plants also absorb in the soil during the growth process The nitrogen element is generated, and nitrite is formed. Therefore, most vegetables contain nitrates and nitrites, and toon is no exception.

Although nitrite is toxic to a certain extent, it is not very toxic. Eating some foods containing nitrite daily will not cause poisoning. Moreover, nitrite is metabolized quickly in the body, moderate consumption will not affect the body.

The content of nitrate and nitrite in the toon sprouts that we often eat is very low, so it can be eaten with confidence. Eating toon poisoning is mainly due to the wrong way of eating, such as eating too much at one time.

Will eating too much toon cause cancer? Let’s take a look at an experiment conducted by the Hangzhou Institute of Food and Drug Inspection.

The experimenter randomly purchased 3 batches of fresh toon from the market, and then each batch of samples was divided into two parts, one was washed with tap water, and then Dry, chop and homogenize; for the other, blanch in boiling water for 1 minute, cool and control the moisture, and then chop an appropriate amount and homogenize. Each batch of samples was tested for nitrite content by spectrophotometry.

The test results showed that in the three batches of Toona sinensis, the nitrite contents of the fresh samples without blanching were 0.43g/kg, 0.38g/kg and 0.24g, respectively. g/kg,and the nitrite content of the samples after blanching for 1 minute were 0.02g/kg, 0.05g/kg and 0.03g/kg, respectively.

In addition, the experimental results showed that the content of nitrite in Toona sinensis varied from different origins and varieties; the content of nitrite in fresh Toona sinensis was much higher than that of other vegetables;

span>But after 1 minute of blanching, more than 85% of the nitrite in toon can be removed.

Nitrite itself does not cause cancer, but it may cause poisoning if eaten in large quantities.

After nitrite enters the body, most of it will be excreted with urine, only under certain conditions Carcinogens such as nitrosamines will be generated under conditions (such as reacting with the decomposition products of proteins under acidic conditions), which may induce cancers such as gastric cancer and esophageal cancer.

Second, Toona sinensis is delicious and nutritious, how to eat it safely? Share 3 methods

According to the dietary recommendations given by the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the allowable daily intake of nitrite is 0.13 mg/kg body weight.

Toon contains approximately 1.475-2.778 micrograms of nitrite per gram throughout the growth cycle. Taking an adult weighing 60 kg as an example, eat at least about 1.6 kg of toon in a day to be at risk of nitrite poisoning , which is actually not possible.

How to eat toon to be safe? Dietitian Fan Zhihong gives the following 3 suggestions:

1. Select the tenderest and freshest toon sprouts

The study found that with With the continuous growth, the nitrate content of toon will increase accordingly.The more tender the toon buds, the less nitrate content. After fresh toona sinensis is harvested, if it is stored at room temperature, a large amount of nitrite will be slowly converted into nitrite, which may pose a safety hazard.

Therefore, we have to choose fresh toon sprouts to eat, and the tenderer the better . If the toon leaves fall off as soon as they are touched, it proves that they are no longer fresh, which must contain a large amount of nitrite. It is not recommended to buy.

2. Blanch in boiling water for 1 minute

Boil the toon for about 1 minute in boiling water After scalding, more than 2/3 of nitrite and nitrate can be removed, and it is also beneficial to maintain its color and aroma. Therefore, whether it is using toona sinensis for cold salad, stir-frying, frying, or quick-freezing, it is recommended to blanch it first.

3. Eat with foods rich in vitamin C

Research shows that when vitamin C When the molar ratio of C and nitrite is 2:1, the synthesis of carcinogen nitrosamines can be effectively blocked. Therefore, it is recommended that toon can be eaten with foods rich in vitamin C, such as fresh vegetables, fruits, etc. Nitrates are converted into nitrosamines to ensure safety for consumption.

It should be noted thatToon should not be eaten with cauliflower, cucumber, and milk , otherwise it will affect the absorption of nutrients, or cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

In addition, although toon is delicious, it is not suitable for everyone. People with diabetes, skin diseases, chronic enteritis, dysentery or deficiency of the spleen and stomach are not recommended to eat toon, otherwise it may affect the recovery of the disease or aggravate the condition.

3. Reminder: Be careful when eating these 3 kinds of vegetables!

Although vegetables are good for health, some vegetables may be harmful to human health if eaten without treatment. In addition to toon, the following vegetables are recommended to be processed before eating.

1. Bracken

Bracken contains 2B carcinogens ——Proteroside, has a certain carcinogenic risk. Epidemiological surveys have also shown that in areas where people eat bracken more, people have a higher chance of developing cancers such as gastric cancer and digestive tract cancer.

Although bracken has a risk of cancer, eating it in moderation is not a big problem. It is recommended to blanch with boiling water before eating bracken, or directly buy processed bracken on the market to eat.

2. Fresh daylily

Fresh daylily, especially the stamens , contains a very toxic substance – colchicine. If ingested, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting may occur in mild cases, and muscle weakness and even death in severe cases .

Therefore, before eating fresh day lily, the stamens should be pulled out and cleaned, and then soaked in 10% brine For more than 1 hour, blanch with boiling water, which can effectively reduce the content of colchicine.

If you feel that it is too troublesome to handle, you can directly buy processed dried daylily.

3, red phoenix< /p>

Red phoenix dish, also known as red-skinned dish, blood-tonifying dish, etc. But eating fresh fenugreek directly will not only not replenish blood, but may also damage the liver. Because red phoenix contains a class of substances called “pyrrolizidine alkaloids” (referred to as PA), some types of PA have strong liver toxicity.

So try not to eat red phoenix if you can. If you really want to eat it, it is recommended to blanch with boiling water before eating, which can remove most of the soluble alkaloids , reduce its damage to the human body.

Toon is in season, and many people will buy and eat it. Although toon is delicious and has high nutritional value, eating too much at one time may lead to food poisoning, so eat toon in moderation.


[1]Wang Silu. Will eating toon cause cancer? Before realizing the “freedom of toon”, you must know the truth of the matter… . Popular Science China. 2019-03-29

[2] Wang Xiaojun, Wang Yifan. The rumor of “seasonal toon” is coming again, do After this experiment, the truth came out! .Daily Business Daily.2021-03-09

[3]Fan Zhihong. Delicious toon is here, how to eat it safely? .Fan Zhihong_Original nutritional information.2019-03-22

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