Tonight, please all Nantong people go to bed 1 hour earlier!

Today is World Sleep Day

The theme is “Sleep well, stay healthy”

Sleep is the backbone of everyone’s health

< span>It is also a biological need of life

Don’t sleep at night, collapse during the day

You, do you sleep well?

According to World Health Organization data, the incidence of insomnia among adults in my country is as high as 38.2%, and 50% of students suffer from insufficient sleep . Experts say that on the one handmany patients complain about insomnia, on the other hand, stay up all night endlessly .

Long-term sleep deprivation


It will seriously affect physical and mental health

The performance of “sleepy” sleepers is:

Lack of sleep, anxiety or depression

High blood pressure, arrhythmia< /span>

The probability of infection and various diseases is also increased

In addition, daytime sleepiness

< p>Increased risk of accidents

what Is it good sleep?

It turns out that it has these features

< p>Falls asleep faster

usually no more than 30 minutes

< p>Preschoolers

Needs 10-13 hours of sleep

Children aged 6-17 and adolescents

requires 7-10 hours of sleep

adults over 18< /span>

Sleep 6-9 hours is normal

The sleep needs of people over 60 years old are increasing

The easiest way to tell if you’re sleeping well or badly is

woke up feeling energized in the morning< /span>

Full of energy for work and daily life

Data show

Staying up late is the biggest “sleep killer” for young people

Active late-night type——

Playing mobile phones, watching dramas, playing games< /p>

Parties, drinking, etc.

Passive staying up late type——

mental stress, emotional depression, irrational drug use

noisy environment, Sleeping with lights on

Do I need to take sleeping pills for insomnia? ?

Some reasons cause people

short-term insomnia

belongs to physiological stress

No special treatment required

to address stress-causing stress Main problem

If the number of insomnia exceeds every 3 times a week

lasting more than 1 month

with physical discomfort and impaired daytime function< /span>

We should actively respond

seek professional guidance as soon as possible

if Occasional insomnia, you can develop good living habits, maintain a regular life, do appropriate exercise every day, and listen to some before going to bed Easy Music.
If cannot be relieved, you should go to a specialized hospital in time span>, In addition to traditional medicines such as tranquillity, some Chinese patent medicines have good therapeutic effects.

How can we improve our sleep quality?

Medical experts have great tips

Good sleep hygiene is important

Regular bed and wake times should be developed

Comfortable settings

The bedroom is warm and well ventilated

and dim the lights

< p>

Exercise regularly

but not 3 hours before bedtime

Avoid caffeine, alcohol, or smoking before bed

Do something before bed Gentle stretches

Listening to soothing music or reading

Concentrate on work during the day

Order daily routine

Save for sleep Good mood and plenty of time

Knowing to rest

Can have a better life

Tonight, everyone in Nantong should go to bed 1 hour earlier span>

I wish you all a good night’s sleep!

Reporters| Gu Feng, Ding Zili

Comprehensive| Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou Daily, Three Gorges Evening News< /p>

Production| Nantong Radio, Television and Media Development Center